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Thursday, 24 October 2013


Tata Institute of Social Sciences,
(A deemed university since 1964 u/s-3 of the UGC Act,1956)
VN Purav Marg,Deonar,Mumbai-400088,Tel:022-25525252, Email:pgadmission@tiss.edu
Course Offered: M.A., M.Sc, MHA, MPH Programme
Eligibility :
  • Candidates having a bachelor’s degree with minimum of 3 years duration or its equivalent (under the 10+2+3 or 10+2+4 or 10+2+2+1 year bridge course pattern of study or any other pattern fulfilling the mandatory requirements of 15 years formal education)  from a recognized university are eligible to apply
  • Candidates who will be able to complete all the requirements of their final year bachelor’s degree examinations by 14th June, 2014, Saturday are also eligible to apply to all the programmes except School of Health System Studies and School of Education (Elementary) programmes

Madurai Kamaraj University

Madurai Kamaraj University,
University with Potential for Excellence
Palkalai Nagar,Madurai-625021,
Website : www.mkuniversity.org
Course Offered:  MSc
Eligibility :
  • M.Sc., Bio-Technology: A pass in B.Sc. (Physics/Chemistry/Zoology/Botany/Biotechnology/Energy and Environmental Science/Agri/Veter/MBBS or BDS/BE/B.Tech/Nanoscience/Nanotechnology/Material Engg/Chemical Engg/Biotechnology with Minimum 55% aggregate marks and Science at +2 level is a must
  • M.Sc., Chemistry: A pass in B.Sc. Chemistry/Special Chemistry/Applied Chemistry degree with Physics as one of the ancillaries and other any one of the ancillaries’ viz. Maths, Botany or Zoology with 55% of aggregate marks
  • For SC/ST candidates a pass is required minimum


M S Ramaiah Institute of Technology (MSRIT),
Vidya Soudha, MSRIT Post,MSR Nagar
Phone-No:91 80 23603123 23603120 23600822 23606934 23606936
Fax:91 80 23603124,Email:registrar@msrit.edu
Course Offered: Master of Science (MSc) (Engineering)
EligibilityBE / B.Tech with 60 %
How To Apply: Application forms & brochure can be down loaded fromwww.msrit.edu . DD of Rs. 500/- drawn in favour of `Principal, MSRIT’ payable at Bangalore.
 For More Detail: Visit On: www.msrit.edu


Institute of Bioinformatics and Applied Biotechnology (IBAB),
G-05,Tech Park Mall,International Technology Park Bangalore (ITPB),Whitefield Road
Phone-No:080- 2841-0029 2841-2769
Course Offered: MSc in Bioinformatics and Biotechnology
  • Anyone with a recognised bachelor’s