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Saturday, 30 November 2013

Sri Ramachandra University MD MS Entrance Exam 2014

SRM Medical Postgraduate Admissions 2014-15

SRM University, Chennai is inviting applications for admissions into its Postgraduate Programme for 2014-15 Sessions

Programs offered

MD: Pulmonary Medicine, Radiology, Microbiology, Community Medicine, Biochemistry, Pathology, Pharmacology, Anaesthesiology, General Medicine, Paediatrics, Psychiatry, Dermatology, Physiology, Anatomy
MS: Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Orthopaedics, General Surgery, ENT, Opthalmology
Eligibility: Pass in MBBS or its equivalent degree recognized by Medical Council of India. (Candidates completing the CRRI on or before 31st Mar 2014 are also eligible)
MDS (Master of Dental Surgery): Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics, Oral Pathology, Microbiology and Forensic Odontology, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics, Periodontology, Prosthodontics and Crown and Bridge, Public Health Dentistry, Oral Medicine and Radiology, Paedodontics and Preventive Dentistry
Eligibility: Pass in BDS or its equivalent degree recognized by Dental Council of India. (Completion of Internship on or before 31st Mar 2014)
For further details on eligibility log on to www.srmuniv.ac.in

Entrance Exam:

Selection will be made on the basis of marks secured in the entrance examination conducted by SRM University at all India level
No domicile restriction and candidates belonging to any State/Union Territory can apply
Exam Centres: SRM University, SRM Nagar, Kattankulathur-603203, Kancheepuram, Distt., Tamil Nadu, India

How to Apply:

Application form can be downloaded from out website www.srmuniv.ac.in, filled and sent along with a demand draft for Rs.1000/- drawn in favour of “SRMIST” payable at Chennai
Filled application should reach the Director, Admissions on or before 08th Jan 2014
The university shall not be liable for any postal delay or loss in transit

Important Dates:

Issue of application forms: 30th Nov 2013
Last date for receipt of filled in application: 08th Jan 2014
Date of Entrance Examination: 19th Jan 2014 (Wednesday, 10.00 a.m. to 01.00 p.m.)

SRM University

The Director Admissions, SRM University, SRM Nagar, Kattankulathur-603203, Kancheepuram Distt., Tamil Nadu, India
Tel-044-27417400, Fax-044-2735622, Email: admissions.india@srmuniv.ac.in , Website www.srmuniv.ac.in

JSS University Mysore PGET 2014 | PG Medical Entrance Test 2014

Post Graduate Admission Notification 2014

Post Graduate Medical and Dental Courses (MD/MS/MDS/PG Diploma) Admission 2014
Applications are invited from eligible candidates for admission to various post graduate medical and dental courses (MD/MS/MDS/PG Diploma) for the academic year 2014-15

Details of the courses offered

Pre-Clinical: MS Anatomy, MD (Physiology), MD (Biochemistry)
Para-Clinical: MD (Pharmacology) MD (Pathology), MD (Microbiology), MD (Community Medicine), MD (Forensic Medicine)
Clinical: MD (General Medicine), MD (Paediatrics), MD (Dermatology and STD), MD (Tuberculosis), MD (Psychiatry), MS (General Surgery), MS (Ophthalmology), MS (Orthopaedics), MS (ENT), MD (Obstetrics and Gynaecology), MD (Anaesthesiology), MD (Radio-Diagnosis)/(Radiology), MD (Radio-Therapy), M.D. (Emergency Medicine)

PG Diploma Courses

Diploma in Obstetrics and Gynaecology (DGO), Diploma in Clinical Pathology (DCP), Diploma in Child Health (DCH), Diploma in Orthopaedics (D.Ortho), Diploma in Anaesthesiology (DA), Diploma in Otolaryngology (DLO), Diploma in Dermatology, Venereology and Leprosy (DDVL), Diploma in Ophthalmology (DO), Diploma in Psychiatric Medicine (DPM), DMRD

Dental Degree Courses

MDS (Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery), MDS (Oral Medicine and Radiology), MDS (Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopaedics), MDS (Paedodontics and Preventive Dentistry), MDS (Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics), MDS Prosthodontics & Crown and Bridge), MDS (Oral Pathology and Microbiology), MDS (Public Health Dentistry)

Dental Diploma Courses

Diploma in Oral Surgery, Diploma in Periodontics, Diploma in Orthodontics, Diploma in Conservative Dentistry and Diploma in Prosthodontics


Qualification: Requisite qualifications for admission to PG Medical / Dental Degree and Diploma courses:
The candidate seeking admission to these courses should have passed Final MBBS /Final BDS examinations from a college recognized by Medical Council/Dental Council of India, and should have completed the compulsory rotating internship/would be completing by 30th of Apr 2014
As per the regulations of statutory bodies, as laid out in Post-Graduate regulations 2000 of Medical Council of India and Dental Council of India, the minimum percentage of marks in the entrance test for eligibility for admission to medical and dental post-graduate courses shall be 50 % for all candidates and the eligibility will be 40% for SC/ST and OBC as per regulation
Foreign/PIO/NRI students need not appear for PGET - 2014 entrance test. Their admission will be based on qualifying examination marks as per MCI / DCI norms.
MCI/DCI Norms: Medical and Dental PG Degree and Diploma Courses
Every student, selected for admission to the Post-Graduate Medical/Dental course in any of the medical institutions in the country, shall possess recognized MBBS/BDS degree or equivalent qualification and should have obtained permanent registration from the Medical Council of India / Dental Council of India, or any of the State Medical /Dental Council or should obtain the same within one month from the date of the admission, failing which the admission of the candidate shall be cancelled
Provided that in the case of a foreign national, the MCI/DCI may, on payment of the prescribed fee for the registration, grant temporary registration for the duration of the Post-Graduate training restricted to the medical college/ institute to which the applicant is admitted for the time being exclusively for postgraduate studies; provided further, that temporary registration to such foreign national shall be subject to the condition that such person is duly registered as medical practitioner in his own country from which the applicant has obtained his/her basic medical qualification and that 23 his/her degree is recognized by the corresponding medical council or concerned authority
If the candidate fails to fulfill the relevant eligibility requirements as mentioned above and as prescribed by MCI/DCI he/she will not be considered eligible for admission for Medical / Dental Postgraduate Degree and Diploma Courses

Selection Process:

Selection will be made for this academic year (2014-15) only on the merit based on marks secured in (i) COMED-K-PGET-2014 Test Score, (II) Admissions will be done as per the Supreme Court and UGC guidelines, (iii) Course will be allotted through counseling by JSS University at Mysore

How to Apply:

A candidate desirous of admission to Post Graduate Medical/Dental Programmes MD/MS/MDS/PG Diploma Courses is required to complete the prescribed application form and submit to the University in the following ways;
A candidate is required to download the prescribed application form from the University website www.jssuni.edu.in and submit the completed form to the University on or before the scheduled date (A copy of the application
The downloaded and printed application form should be sent along with a processing fee of Rs.3000/- only by way of demand draft favouring “JSS University Fee Account”, Mysore, payable at Mysore along with the documents listed below
The completed application with requisite documents as detailed above along with demand draft for Rs.3000/-, should be enclosed in an envelope super scribed clearly on the outside of the envelope “Application for admission to PG Medical / PG Dental courses” and sent to the under mentioned so as to reach before 05.00 p.m. on 20th Mar 2014, either by speed post, courier or by hand “The Registrar, JSS University, Sri Shivarathreeshwara Nagar, Mysore-570015”, Karnataka, India
The candidate and the parent/guardian should sign on the space provided in the application form.
Candidates are advised to obtain and preserve proof of draft and dispatch of the application form
This fee should not be sent by money order. Please note that this fee is non-refundable
Merit list:
The University will prepare a merit list amongst the candidates who have applied for admission to Post Graduate Medical & Dental Programmes M.D/M.S./MDS/PG Diploma Course at the constituent institutions of the University, with COMED-K PGET-2014 test score and rank obtained by them in the COMED-K-PGET-2014 test

NIIT University New Delhi BTech Admission 2014

B.Tech Admissions 2014

NU offers admission into B.Tech programme for the batch 2014-18 under an Early Admission Mode (EAD) for eligible applicants who are appearing for their Class XII Board Examinations in March-April 2014

Eligibility Criteria:

The applicant should have filled the early admission form by the specified date
Application should have scored 60% marks or equivalent in grades in 10th from CBSE/ICSE/any other board in India or its equivalent from any other country in 5 subjects (four compulsory subjects are English, Mathematics, Science and Social study
Fifth subject, for all Boards in India or its equivalent from any other country, can be any single high scoring subject) 60% marks or equivalent in grade in Class X
Candidates should be appearing for Class XII Board Examination with Physics, Chemistry and Biology (PCB) or PCM or PCMB as subjects for (BT) stream in Mar/Apr 2014 or should possess the score of Class XII Board examination from year 2012 or 2013
Have a minimum score of 60% in Class XII Board exam
Should be appearing in either JEE-Main, BITSAT or SAT or NUET (NIIT University Engineering Test) or any State Engineering Entrance Examination

How to Apply:

Admission Application form is available online on www.niituniversity.in by paying Rs.1500/- or request for the application form from NU Admissions Offices or notified centers by paying Rs.1500/- in cash or by Crossed Demand Draft in favor of NIIT University, payable at New Delhi
Submit the duly completed Admission Application form along with self-attested copies of class X and class XII (if available at the time of application) mark-sheets and if applicable, the ranking/score in JEE-MAIN /BITSAT/SAT/NUET/Any state Engineering Entrance Examination/in any one of the following ways:
Online at the NU website www.niituniversity.in Attach scanned copies of all the required documents as specified in the application form
Printed copy of the form by post to NU Central Admissions Office at NIIT House, 85, Sector 32, Institutional Area, Gurgaon, Haryana-122001
Scanned copy emailed to btech@niituniversity.in along with the scanned copies of all the documents required
Printed copy of the form submitted in person to a duly authorized representative, details of which are available on the NU website
Please note that the last date for receiving applications under the EAD mode is 31st Jan 2014
NU will send an acknowledgement of receiving the Admission Application form and send intimation about the schedule for PCI to each eligible applicant within 48 hrs of receiving the application by NU
The eligible applicants undergo the PCI either face-to-face or through video conferencing on the day and time
All eligible applicants’ parents/guardian will be invited for interactions with the NU team. The interactions can be either face-to-face or through video conferencing. They will be scheduled either on the same day as the PCI or within 7 days of the PCI. Parents/guardian interaction is mandatory before admission acceptance
Applicants to intimate the class XII results (if not intimated along with the application) to University Admissions Office with the reference of EAD Application number latest by 02nd Jun 2014
All candidates offered admission in EAD mode should pay the balance applicable fee as per the preferred payment plan i.e. Semester/Annual along with refundable interest-free security deposit by 02nd Jun 2014
Students join the University campus on 17th Jul 2014 to join the head start program and complete the first registration formalities including submission of original mark-sheet of Class X and XII

Important Dates

Application start date: 01st Oct 2013
Application submission by 31st Jan 2014
Personal Counseling Interaction (PCI): Within 7 days of application
Admission offer: Within 48 hrs of PCI
Parent Interaction: Same day as PCI or based on prior appointment
Admission Acceptance by candidate: within 5 days of receiving the offer letter
Submit class XII Admit Card copy by 28th Feb 2014, if applied before 28th Feb 2014
Intimate class XII results by 31st May 2014
Enrollment by 02nd June, 2014
Registration and Program Commencement: 17th June 2014

NIIT University

Rajasthan, Tel 1800-103-5050
Website www.niituniversity.in

CCS National Institute Agricultural Marketing PGDABM Admission 2014

Post-Graduate Diploma in Agri-Business Management Admission PGDABM 2014-16

CCS National Institute of Agricultural Marketing (A Govt. of India Organization under Ministry of Agriculture) is the apex institution for Agricultural Marketing in India announces admissions to the 14th batch of AICTE approved two years full time prestigious Post Graduate Diploma Programme in Agri-business Management (PGDABM)

The minimum qualification for admission to the programme is four year bachelor's degree with at least 50% marks or equivalent OGPA (45% in case of SC/ST and differently able candidates) in Agriculture or allied subject, Veterinary Science, Dairy Technology, Food Technology, Agri. Engineering from any Agricultural University or Institution recognized by the ICAR / UGC
The students who are going to complete their degree by Aug 2014 are also eligible to apply

Admission Process:

Candidates for GDPI etc would be called by NIAM based on score obtained in the CAT-2013/CMAT-2014-15
For further details about CAT exam please visit http://www.cat2013.iimidr.ac.in and for CMAT exams please visit http://www.aicte-cmat.in

Application Form:

Candidates can register for Admission on the prescribed application form available "ONLINE" at institute's website www.ccsniam.gov.in
Applicant has to mention CAT registration/CMAT registration number while registering for NIAM
Last date for registration for PGDABM, NIAM:
For Candidates applying with CAT (2013) score is 10th Jan 2014
For Candidates applying with CMAT (2013-14) score is 14th Mar 2014
A print out of application form dully filled in all respect with active email ID, valid contact number and photocopy of all the relevant documents (Viz: age, education qualification, category, achievements and experience etc) should be sent to the address mentioned above along with a demand draft of Rs. 1000/- (Rs. 500/- for SC/ST candidates) in the favor of Director General, NIAM, payable at Jaipur
Prospectus and other information can also be seen over our website
Prospectus can also be collected by depositing cash Rs. 50/- by hand or Rs.100/- by Demand Draft in favor of Director General, NIAM Payable at Jaipur to get it through post
(*Please note Our Institute uses CAT /CMAT for short listing the candidates for our Post Graduate Diploma in Agribusiness Management. IIMs have no role either in the selection process or in the conduct of the program)
National Institute of Agricultural Marketing (NIAM), Jaipur-302033
Tel 0141-2795140, Website www.ccsniam.gov.in

Prime Minister Rural Development Fellows Scheme 2014

PMRD Fellows Scheme 2014

Prime Minister’s Rural Development Fellows Scheme 2014

PMRD Fellows Scheme to invites talented young professionals with a desire to participate and initiate a larger change
Eligibility Criteria
The eligibility criteria for selection as a PMRD Fellow shall be the following:
Essential criteria: Age between 22-27 years at the time of application
For candidates belonging to SC/ST category, the maximum age limit will be 32 years
At the minimum a graduate from a recognized university/institute with a four-year degree course, including those like Agriculture, Animal Husbandry, Engg, Law, Medicine etc., or a post-graduate from a recognized University/Institute (in case of a graduate holding degree of a course duration of three years or less)
Those with degree from universities outside India that are recognized by Association of Indian Universities can also apply
Only those candidates who have completed all requirements and received degree are eligible to apply
At least 50% marks in the aggregate or equivalent grade at the graduate or Post-graduate level, whichever is qualifying
Physical fitness, certified by Govt Medical Hospital due to the arduous nature of work involved
Desirable criteria:
Knowledge of local language and customs
Work experience in related fields. Excellence in extra-curricular activities like art, culture, sports etc. at High School/College level. Leadership role in College/ High School/ Work Place
Reservation: 15% seats are reserved for SC/ST 15%

Application Process:

Candidates are not required submit mark sheets, degree certificates, reference letters and fitness certificate along with the application
Only those candidates finally selected are required to submit mark sheets and degree certificates
The Selection Committee reserves the right to seek additional information from persons listed as references, employers, etc.
Fill the application and submit it online:
The applicant will receive an acknowledgement of its receipt. All information asked for must be provided. Make sure to review the application for its completeness
Incomplete applications will be automatically rejected
Those giving wrong information in the online application form but get through AICAT will be rejected at the time of verification before final selection
Anyone found to have given wrong information and false certificates are liable for immediate dismissal and penal action at any stage of selection process or fellowship
Refer to the list on the left, for location of assessment centres
Three Stage Assessment Process includes:
All India Competency Assessment Test (AICAT) (Online): 15th Dec 2013
AICAT is an assessment of their understanding and orientation, and problem-solving abilities in a positive manner
Applicants will be shortlisted based on their performance in the AICAT
Written Test (Issue based): 05th Jan 2014
Personal Interview: 05th & 06th Jan 2014
Shortlisted candidates will be tested using tools like essay writing & interview to ascertain their motivation, leadership, professional skills and pro-poor orientation
Refer to the details on the left, for location of available assessment centres
Selection/Assessment Criteria:
Merit list will be prepared on the basis of weighted performance in All India Competency Assessment Test, final round written test, and Personal Interview
Final merit list will be based on weighted total score in three assessment instruments
Assessment Instrument
All India Competency Assessment Test (AICAT) online based on AICAT cut-off specific to GN, SC, ST groups, 1000 candidates will be called for next stage of selection: 100 marks; Weightage 0.5
Final Assessment stage
Written Test (Issue/ Social and economic issue based): 40 marks; Weightage (0.2)
Personal Interview: 60 marks; Weightage 0.3
Total marks: 200; Weightage: 1.0
Application Details:
All candidates fulfilling the criteria shall appear for an online test scheduled on 15th Dec 2013 (Sunday) from any of the 40 centres across the country
Those wishing to apply should fill an online form with an application processing fee of Rs. 750/-
Candidates from SC /ST categories with income below the level stipulated by the GoI are required to pay Rs. 250/-

Selection Schedule:

Announcement inviting applications online application process opens: 06th Nov 2013
Last date of submission of completed application: 30th Nov 2013
All India Competency Assessment Test (Online): 15th Dec 2013
Announcement of merit list based on the All India Competency Assessment Test (AICAT) separately for GN, SC, ST groups for progression to final stage of selection. Short-listed candidates must indicate preferred location from the list - Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata, Bangalore, Cochin, Bhopal, Raipur,
Allahabad and Guwahati for appearing in the final stage of selection: 19th Dec 2013
Final Stage of Selection:
Written test (issues focused) followed by Personal Interview: 05th & 06th Jan 2014
Publication of 1st Merit list of 140 candidates (merit list as per reservation norms); 13th Jan 2014, 2nd merit list to fill vacant positions
Those accepting the offer must also indicate the option of starting training program at TISS Mumbai campus in the 1st cohort (starting 17th Feb 2014) or 2nd cohort (starting 12th May 2014): 16th Jan 2014
2nd merit list to fill vacant positions
Those accepting the offer must also indicate the option of starting training program at TISS Mumbai campus in the 1st cohort (starting 17th Feb 2014) or 2nd cohort (starting 12th May 2014): 13th Jan 2014

KIMS Karad PG Medical Dental Physiotherapy Entrance Exam 2014


All India Entrance Test for Admission to Post-Graduate Medical, Dental and Physiotherapy Course PGM AIET-2014, PGD AIET-2014 and PGP AIET-2014 in Krishna Institute of Medical Sciences Deemed University, Karad

Medical: General Surgery, General Medicine, Obs. / Gyn., Anesthesiology, Pediatrics, Orthopedics, Dermatology, ENT, Ophthalmology, Community Medicine, Radiodiagnosis, Pharmacology, Microbiology, Pathology, Physiology, Anatomy, D.A., D.G.O., D.M.R.D., D.C.H., D. Ortho
Dental: Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Prosthodontics and Crown and Bridge, Periodontology, Oral Pathology and Microbiology and Forensic Odontology
Physiotherapy: Musculo-skeletal Sciences, Neuro Sciences, Cardiopulmonary Sciences, Pediatric Neurology, community Health


Medical: MBBS (from MCI recognized institute)
Dental: BDS (from DCI recognized institute)
Physiotherapy: B.P.Th. (from IAP recognized institute)
Application Form: Application form can be obtained from the University office; or
Application form can be downloaded from the website www.kimsuniversity.in and submitted along with a demand draft
If required by post/courier by sending to the university office a demand draft of Rs.1100/- (PGM/PGD), Rs. 600/- (PGP) (application form plus postage charges Rs 100/-)
Demand draft to be drawn on any Bank, in the name of Krishna Institute of Medical Sciences University, payable at Karad
The application form will be available at the university office/website from 25th Nov 2013
The candidates who are presently doing internship and completing before the end of March are also eligible to appear for entrance test-2014 (PGM-AIET 2014, PGD-AIET-2014 and PGP-AIET-2014)
Application fee for PGM/PGD Rs.1000/- plus Rs.2000/- entrance test fee; for PGP application fee is Rs. 500/- plus Rs.1000/- entrance test fee

Important Dates:

The application form will be available at the university office/website from 25th Nov 2013
Last date of availability and submission of application forms is: 10th Jan 2014
(PGM) Date of entrance test: 16th Jan 2014, 11.00 a.m. to 02.00 p.m.
(PGD) Date of entrance test: 16th Jan 2014, 11.00 a.m. to 12.30 p.m.
(PGP) Date of entrance test: 16th Jan 2014, 11.00 a.m. to 01.30 p.m.
Centre for entrance test: Karad
Krishna Institute of Medical Sciences, Karad
(Deemed University)
Maharashtra-415110, Tel 02164-24155, Website www.kimsuniversity.in

PG Medical admission in Karnataka likely to come within KEA ambit

The state government is working on a proposal to bring the Post Graduate Entrance Test (PGET) for higher medical studies within the ambit of the Karnataka Examination Authority.
The Karnataka state government is working on a new proposal that may bring the Postgraduate Entrance Test (PGET) within the ambit of the Karnataka Examination Authority (KEA). According to government sources, the proposal, if implemented upon, will help authorities streamline admissions to postgraduate medical programs in a much better way.
As of now, the responsibility of conducting the PGET is with the Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences. Apart from handling the responsibility to the KEA, the government is also planning to turn the test into an online exam.
According to reports, the move is aimed to bring more transparency in the way the exam is conducted as well as in the counselling procedure of PG medical admissions.
The KEA is currently tasked with conducting entrance exams and counselling for undergraduate dental, engineering and medical courses. In addition, the agency also oversees diploma and management courses. This year, the state government also included undergraduate farm science courses within KEA’s ambit.
Meanwhile, the government has already started discussing the required amendments to the Karnataka Conduct of Entrance Test for Selection and Admission to PG Medical and Dental Degree Courses Rules, 2006. Major changes are likely to be proposed, including introduction of a new rule that says applicants must have studied in Karnataka for at least 7 years to be eligible to appear in the exam. Apart from that, talks are also believed to be going on for making the counselling procedure more or less similar to the undergraduate CET.
It may take approximately two months till the process is finalized. For expediating the process, the authorities in the Medical Education Departments is also planning to set up a couple of committees to oversee important aspects such as admission and exam fees.

Monday, 25 November 2013

University of Calcutta PhD in Biochemistry Admission 2013-14

Ph.D Programme Admission 2013-14

University of Calcutta, Kolkata invites applications for admission to Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D) program in Biochemistry offered at the Department of Biochemistry for the commencing December session 2013-14

Applications are invited for 21 vacancies in Ph.D. Registration in Department of Biochemistry for the year 2013-2014
Eligibility: Candidates with post graduate degrees in Life Sciences, Chemical Sciences and Physical Sciences are eligible to apply

Selection Procedure:

Candidates will be selected on the basis of their performance in the entrance test conducted by the university

How to Apply:

Candidates are requested to download the application form from the University Website or collect the same from the office of the Department of Biochemistry and to submit the application within 30th Nov 2013 at the office of Department of Biochemistry along with Rs.100/- application fee (with Challan)
The eligible candidates will have to appear in a written MCQ examination of 1 hour duration to be held in this department on 05th Dec 2013 at 11.00 a.m.
Successful candidates will be called for an interview on the same day (05th Dec 2013) at 03.00 p.m
Candidates with valid NET/GATE score do not require appearing in the admission test but needing to qualify in the interview

Important Dates:

Last date for submission of application form: 30th Nov 2013 (Saturday)
Date of entrance test: 05th Dec 2013 (Thursday)

University of Calcutta

Dept. of Biochemistry

92, APC Road, Kolkata-700009, Website www.caluniv.ac.in

Sri Ramachandra University All India Entrance Examination for PG Courses 2014

Admission M.D./M.S. Clinical/M.Ch. Neuro Surgery /M.D. Non-Clinical and MDS Degree Courses 2014

Sri Ramachandra University Chennai invites applications for admission into MD in clinical and non-clinical programs, MS, and 6-year Master of Chirurgical (M.Ch) in Neuro Surgery and Master of Dental Surgery (MDS) programs offered in various specializations for the commencing session 2014-15

Courses offered:

(Group - A) Postgraduate (Clinical) Degree Courses
M.D. General Medicine, Paediatrics, Anaesthesiology, Radio-Diagnosis, Dermatology, Venereology and Leprosy, Psychiatry, TB and Pulmonary Medicine, Sports Medicine, Emergency Medicine
M.S. General Surgery, Obstetrics & Gynaecology, Orthopaedics, Ophthalmology, Otorhinolaryngology
M.Ch. Neuro Surgery (6 years)
(Group - B) Postgraduate (Non-Clinical) Degree Courses
M.D. Anatomy, Physiology, Biochemistry, Pathology, Microbiology, Pharmacology, Community Medicine, Immuno Haematology & Blood Transfusion Medicine, Forensic Medicine
(Group - C) Postgraduate Degree Courses in Dentistry
M.D.S. Prosthodontics and Crown & Bridge, Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics, Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics, Paedodontics & Preventive Dentistry, Periodontology, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Oral Pathology & Microbiology, Oral Medicine & Radiology
Duration of the courses:
Postgraduate Degree courses is three academic years
M.Ch. Neuro Surgery (6 years) Degree course is six academic years


Group-A: M.D/M.S Clinical/M.Ch. Neuro Surgery (6 years) Degree Courses / Group-B: M.D. Non-Clinical Degree Courses
Qualification: Every candidate must possess recognised MBBS degree and have completed Internship (CRRI); and have permanent registration of his/her name with any one of the State Medical Council
However, candidates who are presently undergoing internship and who are likely to complete it on or before 31st Mar 2014 are also eligible to apply subject to production of a certificate as specified
Such candidates shall have to produce permanent Registration Certificate from any State Medical Council in India within a month from the date of admission
Group-C: M.D.S. Degree Courses
Qualification: Every candidate should have passed BDS degree examination of any recognised University and completed Compulsory Rotatory Internship (CRI); and
Registered his/her name with any one of the State Dental Council
However, candidates who are presently undergoing Internship and who are likely to complete it on or before 31st Mar 2014 are also eligible to apply subject to production of a certificate as specified
Such candidates shall have to produce permanent registration certificate from any State Dental Council in India within a month from the date of admission

Selection Procedure:

Selection will be made on the basis of the marks secured by the candidates in the Entrance Examination
Candidates must also have secured not less than 50% marks (in case of SC/ST & OBC 40%) in the entrance examination
In the case of candidates who secure same marks in the entrance examination, selection will be made based on their academic performance in the qualifying examination prescribed for admission
Pattern of Entrance Exam:
Postgraduate M.D/M.S (Clinical)/ M.Ch. Neuro Surgery (6 years) Degree Courses (Group-A)
The entrance exam will consist of 180 multiple choice questions (single best response) covering important aspects of the subjects prescribed for MBBS Degree Course with more thrust on the clinical areas
Postgraduate M.D. (Non-Clinical) Degree Courses (Group-B)
The entrance examination will consist of 180 multiple choice questions (single best response) covering important aspects of the subjects prescribed for MBBS degree course with more thrust on the non-clinical subjects
M.D.S. Postgraduate Degree Courses (Group-C)
The entrance examination will consist of 180 multiple Choice questions (single best response) covering important aspects of the subjects prescribed for BDS degree course
The duration of the entrance examination will be 3 hours
Entrance Exam Centre:
The candidates have to appear for the Entrance Examination at Sri Ramachandra University, Porur, Chennai-600116 at their own expense
Date of Entrance Exam:
Group-A: M.D/M.S. Clinical/M.Ch. Neuro Surgery (6years) Degree Courses/ Group-C M.D.S. Degree Courses
Date: 25th Jan 2014, Saturday 10.00 a.m. to 01.00 p.m.
Group-B: M.D Non-Clinical Degree Courses
Date: 25th Jan 2014, Saturday, 02.30 p.m. to 05.30 p.m.

How to Apply:

The application form downloaded from the University’s website, and a Demand Draft for Rs.500/- (Rupees five hundred only) drawn in favour of “Sri Ramachandra University” payable at Chennai should be enclosed towards the application and examination fee
The downloaded application duly filled in should be sent with all enclosures in a A4 size envelope
Please write the name of the Course Group applied for, in the second page of the Application form
Application will be rejected summarily, if incomplete or sent without enclosing the relevant certificates.
Admission is subject to fulfillment of all the prescribed eligibility conditions by the candidate. If it is found either at the time of admission or at a later stage, that the candidate has given false information/certificate or concealed material information, his/her selection shall be cancelled and the student shall be dismissed from the college immediately
In respect of matters relating to or arising out of this prospectus the jurisdiction shall lie in Chennai alone

Certificates to be enclosed:

Photocopy of the following certificates should be enclosed with the entrance exam application form:
MBBS/BDS Degree Course Mark Statements pertaining to First year to Final year; Consolidated Statement of Marks; Attempt Certificate (First year to Final year); Community Certificate (SC/ST/OBC Candidates must enclose photocopy of the Certificate); Birth Certificate; MBBS/BDS Provisional Pass Certificate - I/II or Degree Certificate; Internship Certificate; State Medical Council’s/State Dental Council’s Permanent Registration Certificate; Transfer Certificate/Migration Certificate/HSC Mark Statement; and Conduct Certificate issued by the Head of the Institution last studied
Hall Ticket: Hall Ticket for the Entrance Examination will be issued only to the eligible Candidates and dispatched to reach the candidates on or before 18th Jan 2014 (Saturday)
If any candidate does not receive the Hall ticket as on 22nd Jan 2014 (Wednesday),he/she should contact the office of the Registrar of University over phone (044-2476 8403 or 2476 8027) or report by fax (044-2476 5995 or 2476 7008) immediately
For such candidates, duplicate hall ticket will be issued on the previous day of the entrance exam 24th Jan 2014 (Friday) at the University office
Hall ticket must be produced at the time of entrance exam without fail. No candidate shall be allowed to write the entrance examination without the hall ticket
The completed application form should be sent to The Registrar, Sri Ramachandra University, Porur, Chennai-600116

Last date for Submission:

Entrance Examination application form duly filled in and securely fastened with the above enclosures may be submitted in person or sent by Registered Post/Speed Post/ Courier Service to reach: The Registrar, Sri Ramachandra University, Porur, Chennai-600116 on or before 10th Jan 2014 (Friday)
The application form downloaded from the website, should be submitted in a large envelope (A4 size) without folding it
Application Form, if any, delivered after 05.00 p.m. on 10th Jan 2014 (Friday) will be rejected summarily
Candidates are advised to send the filled in applications well in advance to avoid any delay in transit
The University shall not be liable for any postal delay or loss in transit

Important Dates:

Last date for receipt of application forms: 10th Jan 2014 (Friday)
Date of entrance test: 25th Jan 2014 (Saturday)

Sri Ramachandra University

Chennai-600116, Tamil Nadu

SRM Engineering Entrance Examination (SRM EEE) Admissions 2014


SRM University, Chennai is inviting applications for conducting SRM Engineering Entrance Examination (SRMEEE) 2014 for admission into its undergraduate engineering courses across the campuses of the SRM University
The candidates short-listed based on their performance in the entrance examination will be called for the counselling to be held at the SRM University premises in Kattankulathur 6032003, Chennai

SRMEEE 2014 Courses Offered:

Courses offered in Kattankulathur Campus
B.Tech. (Duration: 4 year): Aerospace Engg, Architectural Engg, Automobile Engg, Bioinformatics, Biomedical Engg, Biotechnology, Chemical Engg, Civil Engg, Computer Science and Engg, Electrical and Electronics Engg, Electronics and Communication, Engg, Electronics and Instrumentation Engg, Food and Process Engg, Genetic Engg, Information and Telecommunication Engg, IT, Instrumentation and Control Engg, Mechanical Engg, Mechatronics, Nanotechnology, Nuclear Engg, Software Engineering

Ramapuram Campus, Chennai

B.Tech (4 years): Computer Science and Engineering, Electronics and Communication Engineering, Information Technology, Mechanical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Electrical and Electronics Engineering

Ramapuram Part II (Vadapalani Campus, Chennai)

B.Tech (4 years): Computer Science and Engineering, Electronics and Communication Engineering, Mechanical Engineering

NCR Campus, Delhi

B.Tech (4 years): Computer Science and Engineering, Electronics and Communication Engineering, Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Information Technology
SRMEEE Eligibility Criteria 2014
The applicant for SRMEEE 2014 Admission should be a resident Indian national and should have studies in school located in India in the preceding two years
Qualification Examination:
B.Tech: A pass in 10+2 or its equivalent and: Minimum 70% aggregate in mathematics, physics and chemistry
For Biotechnology, Bioinformatics, Biomedical Engg and Genetic Engg: Minimum 70% aggregate in Mathematics/Biology, Physics and Chemistry
Eligibility Details:
Candidates who have attempted Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics in the SRMEEE are eligible for all the B.Tech degree programs
Candidates who have attempted Physics, Chemistry and Biology in the SRMEEE are eligible only for B.Tech Biotechnology, Bioinformatics, Biomedical Engg and Genetic Engg programs and also for various programs in Health Sciences
Exam Pattern 2014
1. General: Question paper will be only in English
2. Question is objective types
3. Each question has 4 alternate answers
4. The correct answer has to be chose and the appropriate oval should be shaded
Question Paper Pattern 2014
Part I: 35 Questions in Mathematics for 105 marks
Part II: 35 Questions in Physics for 105 marks
Part III: 35 Questions in Chemistry for 105 marks
Part IV: 35 Questions in Biology for 105 marks
Negative mark of 1 for every wrong answer in physics, chemistry and mathematics and 0.7 for every wrong answer in biology
Total weightage 315 marks
Entrance Exam Date:
SRMEEE 2014 Paper - Pencil Mode: 27th Apr 2014 (Sunday from 10.00 a.m. to 12.30 p.m.
SRMEEE 2014 Online (Computer based Exam) : 17th to 22nd Apr 2014
SRMEEE Counseling 2014
The eligible candidates, chosen on the basis of rank, would be called for counseling for final admission. The physical presence of the candidate during the counseling is mandatory
Counseling Procedure for Allocation of Seats/Branch
The date/time for counseling will be published in our university website. Candidates can download and take a printout of their counseling letter and counseling record from our website and appear for the counseling as per the counseling schedule
Change of date/time of counseling is generally not permissible. If a candidate does not personally appear before the Admission Committee for counseling/Interview on the date and time specified, his/her seat shall be offered to the next candidate in order of merit
The selected candidates will have to remit the prescribed fees by way of Demand Draft drawn in favour of "SRMIST", payable at Chennai, on confirmation of the seat, and acceptance of the branch allotted
SRMEEE 2014 Counseling Documents:
Counselling call letter/Provisional allotment letter
SRMEE -2014 Rank Card / Hall Ticket
High school (Class X) marks sheet
Marks sheet / consolidated mark statement of the qualifying examination.
Original degree / provisional certificate
Eligibility certificate issued by SRM University Community certificate (issued by the competent authority)
Work experience certificate wherever relevant
Demand Draft (DD) for full tuition fee depending on the program. DD should be drawn in favour of “SRMIST” payable at Chennai
Candidates will be allowed to participate in the counseling process only after verification of the documents. Authentic records pertaining to identification, age, marks sheet of qualifying examination, community certificate (if applicable) and other eligibility criteria, will be checked. If a candidate fails to produce any of these documents, he/she will not be considered for counseling
SRMEEE Admission Procedure 2014
The SRMEEE 2014 Engineering Admission will be purely on the basis of the performance in the Engineering Entrance Examination conducted by SRM University
The Candidates short-listed basis on their performance in the SRMEEE 2014 Entrance Examination will be called for the counseling to be held at the following venue:
SRM University, Kattankulathur, Chenna-603203
SRMEEE-2014 Test Centers:
For Online Exam: Hyderabad, Rajahmundry, Tirupathi, Vijayawada, Vishakhapatnam, Warangal, Guwahati, Patna, Chandigarh, Raipur, Ahmedabad, Gurgaon, Jamshedpur, Ranchi, Bangalore, Bhopal, Indore, New Delhi, Bhubaneswar, Chennai, Coimbatore, Allahabad, Kanpur, Noida, Lucknow, Dehradun etc.,
For Paper-Pencil Exam: Port Blair, Hyderabad, Tirupathi, Vijayawada, Visakhapatnam, Warangal, Dibrugarh, Guwahati, Muzaffarpur, Samantapuri, Chandigarh, Bilaspur, Raipur, Ahmedabad, Surat, Faridabad, Gurgaon, Shimla, Jammu Srinagar, Bhopal, Gwalior, Indore, Mumbai, New Delhi etc.,

How to Apply:

The candidates can apply online through the following link of the university website http://srmcrm05.srmuniv.ac.in/DomesticsAutoLogin/EpayRegistration.aspx
SRMEEE 2014 Online Registration Mode
Online registration and payment use the SRM University website www.srmuniv.ac.in/apply
Candidates can obtain the SRMEEE 2014 application form from any of the following sources upon payment of Rs.900/-
Selected branches of any Bank and post offices as given in SRM University Website www.srmuniv.ac.in
Candidates can also obtain the SRMEEE 2014 application form from the Director, Admission by sending a Demand Draft of Rs. 900/- drawn in favour of "SRMIST", payable at Chennai, with a covering letter mentioning clearly the complete postal address
The completed SRMEEE 2014 Application Form should be sent the University so as to reach before 03rd week of March 2014
Visit www.srmuniv.ac.in for courses offered in different campuses; Chennai-Kattankulathur, Ramapuram, Vadapalani, Delhi-Modinagar

Important Dates:

Last date for receipt of filled-in application: 15th Mar 2014
Entrance Exam:
I) Paper- Pencil Exam: 27th Apr 2014, Sunday from 10.00 a.m. to 12.30 p.m.
II) Online Exam: 17th – 22nd Apr 2014
Publication of rank list and counseling schedule: 03rd May, 2014
Counseling for admission to B.Tech: 17th – 24th May 2014
Counseling for admission to Undergraduate programs in Health Sciences: 24th May 2014
Counseling for admission to M.Tech: 25th May 2014
Counseling for admission to MBA and MCA:  01st Jun 2014
Last date for receipt of NATA score and higher secondary marks for B.Arch admission: 05th Jun 2014
Publication of rank list and counseling schedule for B.Arch: 08th Jun 2014
Counseling for admission to B.Arch: 13th Jun 2014
Last date for payment of full tuition fees for B.Tech: 15th Jun 2014

SRM University Chennai-600033

Tel +91-44-47437500, Website www.srmuniv.ac.in

Sunday, 24 November 2013

Asian Institute of Public Health MPH Admissions 2014

MPH Programmes 2014

Asian Institute of Public Health invites applications from the candidates for admission to following 2 years Master of Public Health (MPH) for the academic session 2014. Eligible candidates must apply before 15th Dec 2013


A recognized bachelor’s degree in any discipline with minimum 50% marks in aggregate
Candidates appearing in the final examination of bachelor’s degree are also eligible to apply.

Courses Offered:

Foundations in Public Health; Health Planning & Management; Bio-statistics; Epidemiology (Theory & application); Applied epidemiology in practice a) Survey methods in Community Health b) Interpretation of epidemiological data; Disease related epidemiology a) Infectious disease epidemiology b) Chronic disease epidemiology; Health behavior; Global applications in Public Health; Maternal and Child Health; Public Health, Environment & Society; Health Services Administration; Health Economics; Public Health Nutrition; Health policy analysis; Applied Occupational Health; Introduction to Qualitative data collection methods; Community Oriented Primary Care

Selection Process:

Selection shall be based on previous qualifications, a self-written statement of purpose, recommendation and telephonic interview.

How to Apply:

The application can be downloaded from the website: www.aiph.ac.in
Applicants should submit the duly filled application form and all other documents as specified in the Application Form.

Important Date:

Last date to receive application: 15th Dec 2013

Asian Institute of Public Health, Bhubaneswar

Wednesday, 20 November 2013


Indian Institute of Information Technology and Management (IIITM),
Park Center, Technopark Campus,
Phone-No:91 471-2527567 2700777 3093435 3091334 Park Centre 3093500 Nila
Fax:91 471 2527 568,Email:info@iiitmk.ac.in
Course Offered: Master of Science in Information Technology (MSc-IT)
Entry-level requirement is a Bachelor’s degree in any branch of Engineering/ Technology/AMIE or Master’s Degree in Computer Science and Applications (MCA) with minimum score of 60 percentage marks or

CAP PGDM Admissions 2014

PGDM Admission 2014

Shree Chanakya Education Society’s Indira Group of Institutes, Pune (ICAP), invites applications for admission into its Post Graduate Diploma in Management (PGDM) program for the commencing session 2014-15

Eligibility: A candidate is declared eligible for Indira PGDM courses, if he/she has passed the degree examination of a recognized university with a minimum of 50% marks and minimum 45% marks for backward class candidates from Maharashtra State only
Such candidate’s application must be accompanied with relevant caste certificates and non-creamy layer certificates at the time of confirming the admission
Final year degree students, who have not received their result will be allowed to appear for the admission process, provided at the time of taking admission they have a certificate from their college/university about being a final year student awaiting result
Before applying for admission process candidates must have a written test score of any of the following tests AICTE-CMAT/CAT/XAT/MAT/ATMA/JMAT

Selection Procedure:

Admission will be based on performance of candidates in following

UPCMET 2014 Notification and Dates

U.P. Unaided Medical Colleges Welfare Association (UPUMCWA) is conducting UPCMET-2014 for admission in M.B.B.S. First year 2014-15
Candidates must have passed 10+2 level examination of UP Board / ISC / CBSE or its equivalent from any recognised Board / University with English as a subject; securing minimum 50% (40% in case of SC/ST/OBC) marks on average in Physics, Chemistry & Biology (including practical examination) taken together.
Candidates appearing in 10+2 examination of 2014 are also eligible to appear in entrance test but at the time of counseling they have to produce the passing marksheet of 10+2 examination, failing which no allotment of seats will be made.
Age Limit:
To appear in the Entrance Examination candidate should have completed 17 years as on 31st December, 2014.
Admission is open to all citizen

Saturday, 2 November 2013

Goa Common Entrance Test to Return in May

 As the National Eligibility cum Entrance Test (NEET) has been decommissioned now, the state of Goa is reviving the Goa Common Entrance Test (GCET) for admission into various professional

BITS Pillani announces MBA Admission for 2014 2015 session

MBA Programme Admission 2014-15

Admission to MBA Programme (for academic year 2014-15)
BITS Pilani is one of India’s leading institutes of higher education and a deemed university under section 3 of the UGC act. With an illustrious legacy, modern campuses and alumni in leadership positions across the world, BITS Pilani has been the Institute of choice for top students year after year

Applications are invited for admission to MBA programme at Pilani campus
Management education at BITS, Pilani brings a cutting edge thinking and best learning practices to its flagship MBA program through three semesters of rigorous classroom training coupled with provision for 6 months exposure to industry through structured and evaluative internship (Practice School) making this programme one of its kind

Eligibility Criteria: B.E./B.Tech in Engineering disciplines from any recognized university or any Integrated first degree of BITS

Candidates should have obtained minimum of 60% aggregate marks in qualifying degree
BITS Pilani will use CAT 2013 and GMAT scores for short-listing candidates for its MBA programme

IIMs have no role either in the selection process or in the conduct of the programme

Shortlisted candidates will have to appear in group discussion and personal interview

Assistantship/Scholarship: Applicants for admission to the MBA programme will also be considered for Teaching Assistantships in addition to tuition fee waiver scheme

For details visit www.bitsadmission.com

JEE Advanced 2014 Notification | IIT JEE Advanced 2014 Dates


JEE 2014 (Joint Entrance Exam) notification

e Joint Entrance Examination JEE-Advanced is an all-India examination administered and conducted in eight IIT zones across the country by the Indian Institutes of Technology (IIT) for admission to undergraduate courses at Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Bhubaneswar, Bombay, Delhi, Gandhinagar, Guwahati, Hyderabad, Indore, Kanpur, Kharagpur, Madras, Mandi, Patna, Punjab, Rajasthan, Roorkee, IT-BHU Varanasi, ISM Dhanbad

All the candidates aspiring to take admission in the undergraduate programmes at IITs and ISM Dhanbad, for the year 2014 will have to appear in the Paper-1 of JEE (Main)-2014, which will be conducted by JEE Apex Board during the month of April, 2014

National Institute of Nutrition Hyderabad PG courses Admission 2014

Admission Notice 2014

Post-Graduate Certificate Course in Nutrition (09th January to 21st March 2014)
The National Institute of Nutrition offers a Post-Graduate Certificate Course in Nutrition from 9th January to 21st March, 2014
The course is of an advanced nature, and includes lectures, group discussions, demonstrations and field visits

Qualifications: A basic degree in Medicine (MBBS) OR a Master’s Degree in Biochemistry/Physiology/Foods & Nutrition/Dietetics
Age limit: Below 50 years

7 things you should Know about AIPMT 2014

All India Pre Medical Entrance Test 
AIPMT is back. Central Board of Secondary Examination (CBSE) is going to conduct AIPMT for the medical aspirants to get admissions into MBBS/Dental Courses in the government colleges and hospitals.
Likewise every year CBSE has decided to conduct the exam from 2014 which is scheduled on 4th May,  2014.

In the previous year CBSE took the exam for the medical students in a combined set named as NEET-UG. But soon Supreme Court intervened in the matter and directed the CBSE to conduct AIPMT 2014 exam in the similar way as it conducted medical entrance tests in the previous years. >> see post CBSE decides to conduct AIPMT on May 4 for 2014-15 session

GFSU Gandhinagar Post Basic Diploma in Forensic Nursing Admissions 2013

Admission Post Basic Diploma in Forensic Nursing 2013-14

Institute of Forensic Science invites application for admission to Post Basic Diploma in Forensic Nursing for the academic year 2013-14

Eligibility: Student seeking admission to the above mentioned Program must fulfill the following criteria:
Bachelor’s degree in