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Saturday, 30 November 2013

CCS National Institute Agricultural Marketing PGDABM Admission 2014

Post-Graduate Diploma in Agri-Business Management Admission PGDABM 2014-16

CCS National Institute of Agricultural Marketing (A Govt. of India Organization under Ministry of Agriculture) is the apex institution for Agricultural Marketing in India announces admissions to the 14th batch of AICTE approved two years full time prestigious Post Graduate Diploma Programme in Agri-business Management (PGDABM)

The minimum qualification for admission to the programme is four year bachelor's degree with at least 50% marks or equivalent OGPA (45% in case of SC/ST and differently able candidates) in Agriculture or allied subject, Veterinary Science, Dairy Technology, Food Technology, Agri. Engineering from any Agricultural University or Institution recognized by the ICAR / UGC
The students who are going to complete their degree by Aug 2014 are also eligible to apply

Admission Process:

Candidates for GDPI etc would be called by NIAM based on score obtained in the CAT-2013/CMAT-2014-15
For further details about CAT exam please visit http://www.cat2013.iimidr.ac.in and for CMAT exams please visit http://www.aicte-cmat.in

Application Form:

Candidates can register for Admission on the prescribed application form available "ONLINE" at institute's website www.ccsniam.gov.in
Applicant has to mention CAT registration/CMAT registration number while registering for NIAM
Last date for registration for PGDABM, NIAM:
For Candidates applying with CAT (2013) score is 10th Jan 2014
For Candidates applying with CMAT (2013-14) score is 14th Mar 2014
A print out of application form dully filled in all respect with active email ID, valid contact number and photocopy of all the relevant documents (Viz: age, education qualification, category, achievements and experience etc) should be sent to the address mentioned above along with a demand draft of Rs. 1000/- (Rs. 500/- for SC/ST candidates) in the favor of Director General, NIAM, payable at Jaipur
Prospectus and other information can also be seen over our website
Prospectus can also be collected by depositing cash Rs. 50/- by hand or Rs.100/- by Demand Draft in favor of Director General, NIAM Payable at Jaipur to get it through post
(*Please note Our Institute uses CAT /CMAT for short listing the candidates for our Post Graduate Diploma in Agribusiness Management. IIMs have no role either in the selection process or in the conduct of the program)
National Institute of Agricultural Marketing (NIAM), Jaipur-302033
Tel 0141-2795140, Website www.ccsniam.gov.in

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