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Saturday, 2 November 2013

National Institute of Nutrition Hyderabad PG courses Admission 2014

Admission Notice 2014

Post-Graduate Certificate Course in Nutrition (09th January to 21st March 2014)
The National Institute of Nutrition offers a Post-Graduate Certificate Course in Nutrition from 9th January to 21st March, 2014
The course is of an advanced nature, and includes lectures, group discussions, demonstrations and field visits

Qualifications: A basic degree in Medicine (MBBS) OR a Master’s Degree in Biochemistry/Physiology/Foods & Nutrition/Dietetics
Age limit: Below 50 years

Selection of candidates: The Director of the Institute will be the final authority in selecting the candidates and no correspondence will be entertained from the candidates who are not selected
Preference will be given to candidates with First Class and 1-2 years experience in the relevant fields
In-Service Candidates
No TA/DA will be paid to the candidates; Private/Non-Sponsored Candidates; No stipend and travel expenses will be paid
Tuition fee: Rs.10, 000/- (Lump sum) has to be paid by the candidate (for Indian Nationals)
US $1200.00 (Foreign Nationals)
Accommodation: The participants in the course will be accommodated in a well-furnished hostel on the campus of the National Institute of Nutrition on payment of necessary charges
The charges for lodging will be around Rs.50/- per head per day (for Indian Nationals) and for foreign nationals, Rs. 200/- per head per day
Application Form: Application forms along with prospectus can be obtained either from the Head, Extension and Training Division, National Institute of Nutrition, Jamai-Osmania PO, Hyderabad-500007 or downloaded from the website: www.ninindia.org, the filled-in form should reach NIN before 22nd November, 2013
For any further details, please contact Telefax No. 040-27018234, Email: petninhyd@yahoo.com

Important Date

Last Date for submission of Application: 22nd November, 2013

National Institute of Nutrition
Indian Council of Medical Research, Jamia-Osmania PO, Hyderabad-500007, Andhra Pradesh
Website: www.ninindia.org

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