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Monday, 25 November 2013

Sri Ramachandra University All India Entrance Examination for PG Courses 2014

Admission M.D./M.S. Clinical/M.Ch. Neuro Surgery /M.D. Non-Clinical and MDS Degree Courses 2014

Sri Ramachandra University Chennai invites applications for admission into MD in clinical and non-clinical programs, MS, and 6-year Master of Chirurgical (M.Ch) in Neuro Surgery and Master of Dental Surgery (MDS) programs offered in various specializations for the commencing session 2014-15

Courses offered:

(Group - A) Postgraduate (Clinical) Degree Courses
M.D. General Medicine, Paediatrics, Anaesthesiology, Radio-Diagnosis, Dermatology, Venereology and Leprosy, Psychiatry, TB and Pulmonary Medicine, Sports Medicine, Emergency Medicine
M.S. General Surgery, Obstetrics & Gynaecology, Orthopaedics, Ophthalmology, Otorhinolaryngology
M.Ch. Neuro Surgery (6 years)
(Group - B) Postgraduate (Non-Clinical) Degree Courses
M.D. Anatomy, Physiology, Biochemistry, Pathology, Microbiology, Pharmacology, Community Medicine, Immuno Haematology & Blood Transfusion Medicine, Forensic Medicine
(Group - C) Postgraduate Degree Courses in Dentistry
M.D.S. Prosthodontics and Crown & Bridge, Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics, Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics, Paedodontics & Preventive Dentistry, Periodontology, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Oral Pathology & Microbiology, Oral Medicine & Radiology
Duration of the courses:
Postgraduate Degree courses is three academic years
M.Ch. Neuro Surgery (6 years) Degree course is six academic years


Group-A: M.D/M.S Clinical/M.Ch. Neuro Surgery (6 years) Degree Courses / Group-B: M.D. Non-Clinical Degree Courses
Qualification: Every candidate must possess recognised MBBS degree and have completed Internship (CRRI); and have permanent registration of his/her name with any one of the State Medical Council
However, candidates who are presently undergoing internship and who are likely to complete it on or before 31st Mar 2014 are also eligible to apply subject to production of a certificate as specified
Such candidates shall have to produce permanent Registration Certificate from any State Medical Council in India within a month from the date of admission
Group-C: M.D.S. Degree Courses
Qualification: Every candidate should have passed BDS degree examination of any recognised University and completed Compulsory Rotatory Internship (CRI); and
Registered his/her name with any one of the State Dental Council
However, candidates who are presently undergoing Internship and who are likely to complete it on or before 31st Mar 2014 are also eligible to apply subject to production of a certificate as specified
Such candidates shall have to produce permanent registration certificate from any State Dental Council in India within a month from the date of admission

Selection Procedure:

Selection will be made on the basis of the marks secured by the candidates in the Entrance Examination
Candidates must also have secured not less than 50% marks (in case of SC/ST & OBC 40%) in the entrance examination
In the case of candidates who secure same marks in the entrance examination, selection will be made based on their academic performance in the qualifying examination prescribed for admission
Pattern of Entrance Exam:
Postgraduate M.D/M.S (Clinical)/ M.Ch. Neuro Surgery (6 years) Degree Courses (Group-A)
The entrance exam will consist of 180 multiple choice questions (single best response) covering important aspects of the subjects prescribed for MBBS Degree Course with more thrust on the clinical areas
Postgraduate M.D. (Non-Clinical) Degree Courses (Group-B)
The entrance examination will consist of 180 multiple choice questions (single best response) covering important aspects of the subjects prescribed for MBBS degree course with more thrust on the non-clinical subjects
M.D.S. Postgraduate Degree Courses (Group-C)
The entrance examination will consist of 180 multiple Choice questions (single best response) covering important aspects of the subjects prescribed for BDS degree course
The duration of the entrance examination will be 3 hours
Entrance Exam Centre:
The candidates have to appear for the Entrance Examination at Sri Ramachandra University, Porur, Chennai-600116 at their own expense
Date of Entrance Exam:
Group-A: M.D/M.S. Clinical/M.Ch. Neuro Surgery (6years) Degree Courses/ Group-C M.D.S. Degree Courses
Date: 25th Jan 2014, Saturday 10.00 a.m. to 01.00 p.m.
Group-B: M.D Non-Clinical Degree Courses
Date: 25th Jan 2014, Saturday, 02.30 p.m. to 05.30 p.m.

How to Apply:

The application form downloaded from the University’s website, and a Demand Draft for Rs.500/- (Rupees five hundred only) drawn in favour of “Sri Ramachandra University” payable at Chennai should be enclosed towards the application and examination fee
The downloaded application duly filled in should be sent with all enclosures in a A4 size envelope
Please write the name of the Course Group applied for, in the second page of the Application form
Application will be rejected summarily, if incomplete or sent without enclosing the relevant certificates.
Admission is subject to fulfillment of all the prescribed eligibility conditions by the candidate. If it is found either at the time of admission or at a later stage, that the candidate has given false information/certificate or concealed material information, his/her selection shall be cancelled and the student shall be dismissed from the college immediately
In respect of matters relating to or arising out of this prospectus the jurisdiction shall lie in Chennai alone

Certificates to be enclosed:

Photocopy of the following certificates should be enclosed with the entrance exam application form:
MBBS/BDS Degree Course Mark Statements pertaining to First year to Final year; Consolidated Statement of Marks; Attempt Certificate (First year to Final year); Community Certificate (SC/ST/OBC Candidates must enclose photocopy of the Certificate); Birth Certificate; MBBS/BDS Provisional Pass Certificate - I/II or Degree Certificate; Internship Certificate; State Medical Council’s/State Dental Council’s Permanent Registration Certificate; Transfer Certificate/Migration Certificate/HSC Mark Statement; and Conduct Certificate issued by the Head of the Institution last studied
Hall Ticket: Hall Ticket for the Entrance Examination will be issued only to the eligible Candidates and dispatched to reach the candidates on or before 18th Jan 2014 (Saturday)
If any candidate does not receive the Hall ticket as on 22nd Jan 2014 (Wednesday),he/she should contact the office of the Registrar of University over phone (044-2476 8403 or 2476 8027) or report by fax (044-2476 5995 or 2476 7008) immediately
For such candidates, duplicate hall ticket will be issued on the previous day of the entrance exam 24th Jan 2014 (Friday) at the University office
Hall ticket must be produced at the time of entrance exam without fail. No candidate shall be allowed to write the entrance examination without the hall ticket
The completed application form should be sent to The Registrar, Sri Ramachandra University, Porur, Chennai-600116

Last date for Submission:

Entrance Examination application form duly filled in and securely fastened with the above enclosures may be submitted in person or sent by Registered Post/Speed Post/ Courier Service to reach: The Registrar, Sri Ramachandra University, Porur, Chennai-600116 on or before 10th Jan 2014 (Friday)
The application form downloaded from the website, should be submitted in a large envelope (A4 size) without folding it
Application Form, if any, delivered after 05.00 p.m. on 10th Jan 2014 (Friday) will be rejected summarily
Candidates are advised to send the filled in applications well in advance to avoid any delay in transit
The University shall not be liable for any postal delay or loss in transit

Important Dates:

Last date for receipt of application forms: 10th Jan 2014 (Friday)
Date of entrance test: 25th Jan 2014 (Saturday)

Sri Ramachandra University

Chennai-600116, Tamil Nadu

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