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Saturday, 30 November 2013

Prime Minister Rural Development Fellows Scheme 2014

PMRD Fellows Scheme 2014

Prime Minister’s Rural Development Fellows Scheme 2014

PMRD Fellows Scheme to invites talented young professionals with a desire to participate and initiate a larger change
Eligibility Criteria
The eligibility criteria for selection as a PMRD Fellow shall be the following:
Essential criteria: Age between 22-27 years at the time of application
For candidates belonging to SC/ST category, the maximum age limit will be 32 years
At the minimum a graduate from a recognized university/institute with a four-year degree course, including those like Agriculture, Animal Husbandry, Engg, Law, Medicine etc., or a post-graduate from a recognized University/Institute (in case of a graduate holding degree of a course duration of three years or less)
Those with degree from universities outside India that are recognized by Association of Indian Universities can also apply
Only those candidates who have completed all requirements and received degree are eligible to apply
At least 50% marks in the aggregate or equivalent grade at the graduate or Post-graduate level, whichever is qualifying
Physical fitness, certified by Govt Medical Hospital due to the arduous nature of work involved
Desirable criteria:
Knowledge of local language and customs
Work experience in related fields. Excellence in extra-curricular activities like art, culture, sports etc. at High School/College level. Leadership role in College/ High School/ Work Place
Reservation: 15% seats are reserved for SC/ST 15%

Application Process:

Candidates are not required submit mark sheets, degree certificates, reference letters and fitness certificate along with the application
Only those candidates finally selected are required to submit mark sheets and degree certificates
The Selection Committee reserves the right to seek additional information from persons listed as references, employers, etc.
Fill the application and submit it online:
The applicant will receive an acknowledgement of its receipt. All information asked for must be provided. Make sure to review the application for its completeness
Incomplete applications will be automatically rejected
Those giving wrong information in the online application form but get through AICAT will be rejected at the time of verification before final selection
Anyone found to have given wrong information and false certificates are liable for immediate dismissal and penal action at any stage of selection process or fellowship
Refer to the list on the left, for location of assessment centres
Three Stage Assessment Process includes:
All India Competency Assessment Test (AICAT) (Online): 15th Dec 2013
AICAT is an assessment of their understanding and orientation, and problem-solving abilities in a positive manner
Applicants will be shortlisted based on their performance in the AICAT
Written Test (Issue based): 05th Jan 2014
Personal Interview: 05th & 06th Jan 2014
Shortlisted candidates will be tested using tools like essay writing & interview to ascertain their motivation, leadership, professional skills and pro-poor orientation
Refer to the details on the left, for location of available assessment centres
Selection/Assessment Criteria:
Merit list will be prepared on the basis of weighted performance in All India Competency Assessment Test, final round written test, and Personal Interview
Final merit list will be based on weighted total score in three assessment instruments
Assessment Instrument
All India Competency Assessment Test (AICAT) online based on AICAT cut-off specific to GN, SC, ST groups, 1000 candidates will be called for next stage of selection: 100 marks; Weightage 0.5
Final Assessment stage
Written Test (Issue/ Social and economic issue based): 40 marks; Weightage (0.2)
Personal Interview: 60 marks; Weightage 0.3
Total marks: 200; Weightage: 1.0
Application Details:
All candidates fulfilling the criteria shall appear for an online test scheduled on 15th Dec 2013 (Sunday) from any of the 40 centres across the country
Those wishing to apply should fill an online form with an application processing fee of Rs. 750/-
Candidates from SC /ST categories with income below the level stipulated by the GoI are required to pay Rs. 250/-

Selection Schedule:

Announcement inviting applications online application process opens: 06th Nov 2013
Last date of submission of completed application: 30th Nov 2013
All India Competency Assessment Test (Online): 15th Dec 2013
Announcement of merit list based on the All India Competency Assessment Test (AICAT) separately for GN, SC, ST groups for progression to final stage of selection. Short-listed candidates must indicate preferred location from the list - Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata, Bangalore, Cochin, Bhopal, Raipur,
Allahabad and Guwahati for appearing in the final stage of selection: 19th Dec 2013
Final Stage of Selection:
Written test (issues focused) followed by Personal Interview: 05th & 06th Jan 2014
Publication of 1st Merit list of 140 candidates (merit list as per reservation norms); 13th Jan 2014, 2nd merit list to fill vacant positions
Those accepting the offer must also indicate the option of starting training program at TISS Mumbai campus in the 1st cohort (starting 17th Feb 2014) or 2nd cohort (starting 12th May 2014): 16th Jan 2014
2nd merit list to fill vacant positions
Those accepting the offer must also indicate the option of starting training program at TISS Mumbai campus in the 1st cohort (starting 17th Feb 2014) or 2nd cohort (starting 12th May 2014): 13th Jan 2014

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