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Saturday, 2 November 2013

JEE Advanced 2014 Notification | IIT JEE Advanced 2014 Dates


JEE 2014 (Joint Entrance Exam) notification

e Joint Entrance Examination JEE-Advanced is an all-India examination administered and conducted in eight IIT zones across the country by the Indian Institutes of Technology (IIT) for admission to undergraduate courses at Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Bhubaneswar, Bombay, Delhi, Gandhinagar, Guwahati, Hyderabad, Indore, Kanpur, Kharagpur, Madras, Mandi, Patna, Punjab, Rajasthan, Roorkee, IT-BHU Varanasi, ISM Dhanbad

All the candidates aspiring to take admission in the undergraduate programmes at IITs and ISM Dhanbad, for the year 2014 will have to appear in the Paper-1 of JEE (Main)-2014, which will be conducted by JEE Apex Board during the month of April, 2014

Eligibility for Admission for JEE (Advanced)-2014 Candidates who wish to write JEE (Advanced)-2014 must write the Paper-1 of JEE (Main)-2014 in the month of April 2014. For eligibility criteria for appearing in JEE (Main) - 2014 please refer to http://www.jeemain.nic.in.
Only top 1, 50,000 candidates (including all categories) qualified in Paper-1 of JEE (Main) - 2014 will be eligible to appear for JEE (Advanced) -2014.

Distribution of top 1, 50,000 candidates across various categories in the merit list of JEE (Main)-2014 are as follows:
Top 75750 (50.5%) from the common merit list (CML)
Top 40500 (27%) from Other Backward Classes-Non creamy layer OBC (NCL),
Top 22500 (15%) from Scheduled Caste (SC)
Top 11250 (7.5%) from Scheduled Tribe (ST) candidates
3% of total seats in each category are reserved for PwD candidates (i.e. 2272 GE-PwD, 1215 OBC (NCL) - PwD, 675 SC-PwD and 338 ST-PwD).

JEE Advanced 2014 - Important Dates

Online Application for JEE Main 2014 starts from: Nov 15, 2013 (Friday)

Last Date for Online Application: 16th Dec, 2013 (Monday)

JEE Main 2014 (offline): 06th Apr, 2014 (Sunday)

Results of JEE (Main)-2014: 03rd May, 2014 (Saturday)

Register for JEE Advanced starts – 04th May to 09th May 2014

Downloading of Admit card: 10th May to 24th May, 2014 (Saturday)

JEE Advanced 2014 Exam: 25th May, 2014 (Sunday)

Answer key published in website: 01st June, 2014 (Sunday)

Web display of ORS: 08th June to 11th June, 2014 (Wednesday)

JEE Advanced 2014 Results

Declaration of Results (including Preparatory) through website: 19th June, 2014 (Thursday) Online Choice

Filling for Courses offered in all IITs and ISM, Dhanbad: 20th June to June 24, 2014

Registration for appearing in the Architecture Aptitude Test (AAT): 20th June to 23rd June, 2014

Architecture Aptitude Test (AAT-2014): 26th June, 2014 (Thursday)

Declaration of AAT-2014 results: 29th June, 2014 (Sunday)

Schedule of JEE Advanced-2014

The JEE Advanced-2014 will be held on Sunday, May 25, 2014 as per the schedule given below:

Paper 1:
09:00 to 12:00 hrs (IST)

Paper 2:
14:00 to 17:00 hrs (IST)

The schedule will remain unaltered even if the above day is declared a public holiday.
Number of Attempts in JEE (Advanced)
A candidate can attempt JEE (Advanced) a maximum of two times and that too, in consecutive years.
However, being in the top 1, 50,000 in JEE (Main)-2014 is the prime eligibility criterion applicable to all irrespective of the attempt number. Those who appeared in their Qualifying Examination (QE) in 2012 or earlier (irrespective of whether they passed or failed) are NOT ELIGIBLE.

Candidates who attempted IIT-JEE in 2012 or earlier, are also NOT ELIGIBLE to appear in JEE (Advanced)-2014

Earlier Admission Taken Through JEE Advanced-2013:
Candidates who had earlier taken admission (irrespective of whether or not they continued in any of the programmes) or accepted admission by paying the admission fee at any of the IITs or ISM Dhanbad, are Not Eligible to appear in JEE (Advanced)-2014.

Type of Exam:
In JEE (Advanced)-2014, there will be two papers, each of three hours duration.
The question papers will be printed separately in English and Hindi.
Candidates have to specify their choice of question paper language at the time of online registration for JEE (Advanced)-2014.

Each of the question papers will consist of three separate parts in Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics.
The questions will be of objective (multiple choice) type, designed to test comprehension, reasoning and analytical ability of candidates.
Registration Process For JEE Advanced-2014

Results of JEE (Main)-2014 will be declared by May 3, 2014.
Top 1, 50,000 (including all the categories) candidates will be declared qualified based on their scores in Paper-1 of JEE (Main)-2014.

They only will be eligible to register for JEE (Advanced)-2014. To write JEE (Advanced)-2014 all eligible candidates should register online at http://jeeadv.iitkgp.ac.in from 10 AM, May 04 to 5 PM, May 09, 2014.

Eligible candidates who did not opt for appearing in JEE (Advanced)-2014 while applying for JEE (Main)-2014, can also register for JEE (Advanced)-2014 before 5 PM, May 09, 2014.

After online registration, candidates must pay the examination fee as applicable through the Challan generated during the registration process, in any branch of SBI having core banking solution (CBS) before 5 PM, May 10, 2014.

The examination fee for GE and OBC male candidates is Rs.2000/-. The fee for SC, ST, PwD male candidates is Rs.1000/-.

No fee is charged for female candidates of all categories.

All candidates (irrespective of gender) appearing from Dubai Centre are required to pay an amount of 220 US$.

Registration process will be complete only after the payment is received.

Important: The applicants must note that application for JEE (Advanced)-2014 cannot be withdrawn after registration and payment of fee. Claims for refund of registration fee will not be entertained.

While registering for JEE (Advanced)-2014, candidate need to provide the following information (as applicable) and also upload soft (scanned) copies of the relevant certificates:

Year of First Attempt in JEE (Advanced)

Choice of Examination City / Town (see note *)
Choice of Language of Question Paper
Entitlement of DS Category
Requirement of Scribe (see note below**)
Original passport size photograph in JPEG format (preferably from digital camera)
Legible scanned signature as a JPEG file

Soft copies of Date of Birth, Class-X and Category and Sub-Category (PwD) certificate
The registration procedure in details will be available on the JEE (Advanced) – 2014 online registration portal.

Admit Card For JEE Advanced - 2014
After successful registration and payment of the requisite fee through Bank, candidates can download and print their admit cards for JEE (Advanced)-2014 from May 11 to May 24, 2014 from the JEE (Advanced)-2014 portal.

The admit card will bear the name, roll number of JEE (Advanced), photograph, signature, date of birth, address, and category of the candidate, along with name and address of the Examination Centre allotted and the language opted for question paper.

Candidates should carefully examine their Admit Card for all the entries made therein.
In case of any discrepancy, candidates should inform the Chairman, JEE (Advanced) of the Zonal IIT immediately, and not later than May 22, 2014.

In case, admit card is not available in the JEE (Advanced) website, candidates are advised to contact Zonal IIT through Phone/Email/Fax immediately, but not later than May 22, 2014.
It may not be possible to rectify discrepancies on admit cards, if reported beyond May 22, 2014.

Candidate must bring the hard copy of the downloaded admit card to the examination centre.
Only those candidates, who carry valid Admit cards to the examination hall, will be allowed to write the examination.

Results Of JEE Advanced-2014
The answer sheet of JEE (Advanced)-2014 is a machine-readable ORS.
These sheets are graded and scrutinized with extreme care.
Candidates can view the answer keys of JEE Advanced 2014 on JEE Advanced 2014 web site from June 1, 2014.

ORS of all candidates, who would have appeared both in Paper-1 and Paper-2 will be on display on JEE (Advanced)–2014 website from June 08 to June 11, 2014 along with the machine - read responses and the marks scored.

Candidates can submit requests online to review in case of any perceived errors in the machine - read responses. Candidates will be charged at the rate of Rs 500 per question to be reviewed.
They should send the amount (Rs 500 x number questions to be reviewed) in the form of Demand Draft for their request to be considered.

The Demand Draft (in favor of the Organizing Chairman, JEE (Advanced)-2014, payable at Kharagpur) must be sent to the Organizing Chairman, JEE (Advanced), IIT Kharagpur-721302 by speed post. Online review requests will not be entertained after 5 PM of June 15, 2014.

Results of JEE (Advanced)-2014 will be announced on June 19, 2014.

Candidates will get to know their All India Ranks (AIR) / Category Ranks through JEE Advanced 2014 websites after declaration of the results.
Note: Candidates will not receive any individual rank cards. Requests for issuing the same will not be entertained.

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