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Saturday, 28 December 2013

AFMC MBBS Admission 2014 through CBSE-AIPMT-2014

MBBS Admission-2014

The AFMC is affiliated to Maharashtra University of Health Sciences, Nashik and is recognized by the Medical Council of India
Admission to Armed Forces Medical College (AFMC), Pune in 2014 shall be subject to the norms prescribed by the Directorate of Armed Force medical Services, Ministry of Defence, Government of India.

Candidates who apply for AIPMT 2014 and also seeking admission in AFMC will have to apply on the website of AFMC www.afmc.nic.in/www.afmc.dg1d.gov.in . The short listed candidates will be
required to appear for a second stage Screening conducted by AFMC. Candidates are advised to contact AFMC for further details.

The list of successful candidates of AIPMT who have opted for AFMC shall be forwarded to the Directorate General of Armed Force Medical Service, Ministry of Defence, Government of India
for second stage screening and counselling.
Candidates from the States of Jammu & Kashmir and Andhra Pradesh can appear in AIPMT for admission to AFMC, Pune.
Duration: The duration of MBBS course is 4½ years followed by compulsory rotating internship training of one year
All the medical cadets with service liability undergo internship training in selected service hospitals recognised by the Medical Council of India
Course commences on 01st August, 2014
Candidates admitted to AFMC for MBBS course have compulsory liability to serve as Commissioned Officers in the Armed Forces Medical Services
The liability of the SSC officers passing out of AFMC to serve the Armed Forces Medical Services would be seven years

Eligibility Criteria

A candidate seeking admission to the MBBS course in AFMC is eligible if he/she fulfills the following criteria
A candidate should be citizen of India
The candidate may be a subject of Nepal or Bhutan or a person of Indian origin migrated from Pakistan or any other foreign country with the intention of permanently settling in India
Foreign nationals of Indian origin may be admitted into AFMC only after they have acquired Indian citizenship or in respect of whom a certificate of eligibility is issued by the Ministry of Home Affairs
Must be unmarried
Age: The age of 17 years on 31st December, 2014 but must not have attained the age of 22 years on that date (must have been born not earlier than 01st January, 1993 and not later than 31st December, 1997) for 10+2 or equivalent
Must not have attained the age of 24 years (must have been born not earlier than 01st January, 1991) for passed B.Sc examination or appearing in final B.Sc examination
Educational Qualification: Candidates must have passed one of the following qualifying examinations in the first attempt with English, Physics, Chemistry and Biology taken simultaneously and securing not less than 60% of the aggregate marks in these three science subjects taken together and not less than 50% marks in English and 50% marks in each of the science subjects
They must have also passed an examination in Mathematics of the 10th standard
Candidate’s who have appeared or will be appearing in qualifying examination up to 01st May, 2014 may also apply
Admission, if selected, however, will be subject to passing and meeting the eligibility criteria
Seats: A total of 130 medical cadets (105 boys and 25 girls) will be admitted for the year 2014
Reservation: Ten seats out of 130 are reserved for candidates belonging to the SC/ST
In addition to the above 130 seats, Govt of India at its discretion through Ministry of External Affairs and Ministry of Defence may sponsor and select foreign students from friendly foreign countries for MBBS training in AFMC, under their aid/collaboration programmes
Qualifying Examination: Qualifying examination for admission to AFMC Pune will be NEET-UG examination to be conducted by Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE)
Selection Procedure: Eligible candidates who are interested to join AFMC Pune, to pursue the MBBS course will have to mandatorily appear for the NEET-UG examination to be conducted by CBSE and should have ticked on the option for AFMC
However, in case a candidate had failed to tick on the option for AFMC, he/she may still apply online if eligible
The NEET-UG roll number is essential for being recognized for admission to AFMC Pune and shall be required at all stages of admission process
Candidates who are appearing in the NEET-UG examination will have to register and apply online to AFMC Pune on the website http://www.afmc.nic.in, or http://www.afmcdg1d.gov.in with the NEET roll number
On the declaration of the results, AFMC Pune will draw merit from amongst the candidates who have applied to AFMC Pune and also appeared for the NEET-UG examination
It is reiterated that the qualifying marks would be 50th percentile
Candidates who have secured lesser marks/lower than 50th percentile will not be considered for admission to AFMC Pune
Interview: The shortlisted candidates in order of online registration numbers will be called for Test of English Language, Comprehension, Logic and Reasoning (ToELR) cum Interview to be held in the month of June, 2014 at AFMC, Pune
Test of English Language, Comprehension, Logic and Reasoning (ToELR) will be in the form of CBT (Computer Based Test) consisting of 40 MCQs of 2.0 marks each amounting to a maximum of 80 marks and will be held at AFMC Pune
There will be negative marks of 0.5 for every incorrect answer
These 40 questions will be required to be answered in 30 minutes
The marks obtained in ToELR will be added to NEET-UG score (max of 720) to get a score out of 800
The exact date and time of the interview at AFMC Pune will be intimated to shortlisted candidates and will also be intimated by e-mail
The candidates will be required to produce originals of all certificates/marks sheets and NEET-UG admit card (hall ticket) and NEET score card at the time of interview at AFMC
All candidates will produce result or proof of having appeared in the qualifying examination held before 30th April, 2013 at the time of interview
Application Form: Apply on line on website http://www.afmc.nic.in, http://www.afmcdg1d.gov.in
The last date for online application is 12th May, 2013 and the last date for depositing the challan at any SBI bank branch will be 14th May, 2013
Important Dates
See AIPMT 2014 Notification for Entrance Exams.

Other details will be updated as soon as notified by AFMC

For any further clarifications contact:

The OIC Examinations & Nodal Officer (AIPMT),
Room No.48A, ‘M’ Block,
O/o DGAFMS/DG -1D, Ministry of Defence,
New Delhi- 110001.

Telephone No. : 011 - 23092349, 23092562
Fax No. : 011 -23092562/23092992
Website :www.afmc.nic.in, www.afmcdg1d.gov.in
E-mail ID : oicexams.afmc@nic.in,afmcdg1d@nic.in

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