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Saturday, 14 December 2013

Why you should opt for JEE Main computer based exam ?

With the CBSE deciding to conduct the JEE Main in online and offline modes, a lot of students from across the country has been bombarding us with questions like “what are the advantages of the computer based exam”, or “what are some of the important points that we should be focusing while attempting the questions”.
 Therefore, in order to help concerned students mitigate all their doubts regarding the JEE Main computer based exam, we have come up with the following overview of some of the most important aspects they should expect while having their shot at the exam.

What is the JEE Main online or computer-based exam model ?

The computer based or online exam is a tried and tested exam model which has already proved itself as a success with the Common Admission Test (CAT). In essence, it is conducted over a Local Area Network (LAN) so as to ensure the utmost safety and a flawless, uninterrupted execution.
Contrary to popular misconception, the computer based exam won’t be held over the Internet.

Advantages of the computer-based model

The advantages of opting for the computer-based model are manifold, including:
  1. The candidate will be allowed to re-answer or review any question at any point of time during the exam hours.
  2. Candidates will enjoy the advantage of changing the option of the answer during the exam - this is indeed one of the prime advantage the off line or conventional exam mode can not boast of.
  3. The candidates will also enjoy the ability to mark any answer for review during a latter stage in the given time slot.
  4. The computer screen will feature a panel to display and distinguish all answered question from those unanswered or left for review.
  5. Candidates will have the liberty to choose the exam date of his or her preference.
  6. Those who appear in the exam are likely to feel more confident on the use of information technology
  7. Students can save upto INR 400/ in exam fees compared to the conventional pen-paper exam model. 
Apart from the aforementioned benefits, there are also a couple of other aspects that tend to make the computer-based model a better option. For example, such exams are always highly secure since they require minimal human intervention. Also, there will be time counter right on the computer screen, meaning candidates won’t require looking at their watches to check the time left.

Potential disadvantage

There is almost no disadvantage - at least none noteworthy! However, since the test will be entirely computer-based, those who are not familiar with reading on the computer screen may experience certain difficulties while attempting the questions.
This is precisely why CBSE has already made available mock tests on its website. The candidates can download these mock tests and practice at home as many times as he or she wants. This will make them more familiar with the format and feel of the computer based exam.

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