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Saturday, 21 December 2013

Aligarh Muslim University (AMU) PG Medical Entrance Test 2014

AMU Aligarh has come out with a notification for admission through entrance test admission to PG Medical ( MD,MS, PG Diploma) courses for the year 2014-2015. The details for AMU PG Medical Entrance Exam 2014 , eligibility and selection process is given below
Admission to M.D. /M.S./P.G. Diploma /M.D.S./M.CH. (Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery) Courses in Faculty of Medicine

Course of Study:

M.D / M.S/ P.G. Diplomas
MD/MS: 03 years; Total intake: As per MCI norms
PG Diploma: 02 years; Total intake: As per MCI norms
(*For candidates holding P.G. Diploma in the same subject, the Course duration shall be 02 years)
MD Courses: 1) Anesthesiology, 2) Anatomy, 3) Biochemistry, 4) Community Medicine, 5) Forensic Medicine, 6) General Medicine, 7) Microbiology, 8) Pediatrics, 9) Pathology, 10) Pharmacology, 11) Physiology, 12) Radio-diagnosis, 13) Tuberculosis & Respiratory Medicine, 14) Psychiatry, 15) Radiotherapy
MS Courses: 1) General Surgery, 2) Obstetrics & Gynecology, 3) Ophthalmology, 4) Orthopedics, 5) Otorhinolaryngology
PG Diploma Courses: 1) Anesthesiology, 2) Pediatrics, 3) Radio-diagnosis, 4) Radio-Therapy*, 5) Obstetrics & Gynecology, 6) Orthopedics, 7) Ophthalmology
Qualifying Examination: MBBS examination from this University
The candidate must have completed satisfactorily one year of compulsory Rotatory Internship after passing the MBBS Final Examinations and must have full Registration with MCI/State Medical Council
Selection Process: Through Admission Test followed by Counselling
The minimum percentage of marks for eligibility for Counselling shall be 50% in the Admission Test
Test Paper Details (Syllabus available on our website): There shall be one objective type paper of 200 marks comprising 200 questions
MDS Course: 3 years
Intake: 04
1) Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics, 2) Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics, 3) Periodontics, 4) Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery*
(*Subject to recognition of course and permission from GOI)
Qualifying Examination: BDS Examination from this University
The candidate must have completed satisfactorily one year of compulsory Rotatory Internship after passing the BDS Final Examinations and must have full Registration with DCI/State Dental Council
Selection Process: Through Admission Test followed by Counselling
The minimum percentage of marks for eligibility for Counselling shall be 50% in the Admission Test
Test Paper Details (Syllabus available on our website): There shall be one objective type paper of 200 marks comprising 200 questions
M.Ch. (Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery): 03 years
Intake: 04
Qualifying Examination: M.S. (General Surgery) from an Institution recognized by the Medical Council of India
Note: Candidates who have passed M.S. (General Surgery) Examination in more than two attempts are not eligible to apply
Selection Process: Through Admission Test
The minimum percentage of marks for eligibility for admission shall be 50% in the Admission Test
Test Paper Details (Syllabus available on our website): There shall be one objective type paper of 100 marks comprising 100 questions

How to Apply

The prescribed Application Form and the Guide to Admissions containing details of course is available on the following website: www.amucontrollerexams.com
The candidates have to fill the Application Form directly on the website (ONLINE)
Candidates are advised to follow the guidelines for filling the form as given in the Guide to Admissions
Procedure for Submission of Application Form:
i) Fill up the Online Application Form by following the instructions given in the guide to admissions. Take the Printout of the PDF Generated Application Form on A-4 Size paper
ii) Put your thumb impression, signature and paste your recent photographs at the designated place on the Application Form
iii) Attach the appropriate Demand Draft /Cash Receipt along with other relevant documents with the Application Form and do not fold or mutilate it in any way
iv) Put the Application Form inside the A-4 Size Envelope and paste the Postal Slip on the top after filling it properly
v) Application Form can be submitted by hand or sent by Registered Post / Speed Post or through Courier so as to reach up to 05.00 p.m. on or before the last date of receipt to the Admission Section, Office of the Controller of Examinations, AMU, Aligarh-202002
Documents to be submitted with the Application Form:
1) The Admission Test Fee/Processing Charges (non-refundable) as mentioned against each course is to be remitted through a Demand Draft drawn in favour of Finance Officer, AMU, Aligarh payable at Aligarh or;
Cash Receipt (Bank Challan) from State Bank of India, AMU Branch Aligarh candidate must attach the original Demand Draft/Cash Receipt with his / her Application Form and also write his/her name, date of birth, course of study and Transaction ID on the reverse of the Demand Draft/Cash Receipt
2) Self attested copy (both sides) of High School/Secondary School Certificate (SSC Examination) or equivalent in support of date of birth
3) Documents in support of Professional Experience, if any
4) No Objection Certificate from the employer, if employed at present
5) Any other relevant document

Admit Card

No Admit Card shall be sent by post. Admit Cards will only be downloadable from the Controller’s website www.amucontrollerexams.com
Candidates are required to paste their recent passport size colour photograph in the space provided on the downloaded Admit Card (same as affixed on the Application Form) and hand over the Admit Card to the Invigilator on duty at the Test Centre

Test Centre:

Admission Test shall be conducted at the Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh

Important Dates:

Test Schedule M.Ch. (Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery): 14th June 2014 (02 hours, 30 min., 10.30 a.m.)
Last Date of Receipt: 19th Apr 2014
Test Schedule (MD/MS/PG Diplomas): 19th Jan 2014 (02 hours, 30 min., 10.30 a.m.)
Last Date of Receipt: 28th Dec 2013
Test Schedule MDS: 19th June 2014 (02 hours, 30 min., 10.30 a.m.)

Last Date of Receipt: 28th Dec 2014

Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh-202002

(Facility of Medicine)
Website: www.amucontrollerexams.com

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