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Saturday, 14 December 2013

CMC Vellore PG Medical Entrance Exam 2014

Christian Medical College, Vellore

Medical Postgraduate Degree / Diploma Admissions 2014

Post Graduate Courses in this institutions are in-service training programmes
Eligibility for MD / MS / Diploma:
Candidates who have qualified for the M.B.B.S Degree of the Tamil Nadu Dr. MGR Medical University or any other University recognized as equivalent by the Tamil Nadu Dr. MGR Medical University and the Indian Medical Council and have completed their compulsory rotating residential internship and obtained full registration before 15/05/2014 are eligible to apply for the postgraduate diploma and degree courses.
Candidates who are in the 2nd year of their training for a postgraduate diploma course may also apply for the postgraduate degree (MS/MD) course in the same subject. Post Diploma candidates with a diploma in the same subject need to undergo 2 years of training for the degree.

Note: Those who complete a DCP will not have this benefit for MD Pathology.
Candidates currently pursuing a postgraduate training programme and who complete the same by the 15th of May 2014 only will be eligible to apply.
Selection Process:
The selection of candidates for Postgraduate courses will be according to the directives of the CMC Vellore Council. Fifty percent of seats in each course are reserved for sponsored candidates, provided they fulfill other criteria for eligibility for admission.

However, more than 50% of the available seats may be allotted to sponsored candidates based on their ranking in the step -2.

The wait list is based on ranking in the selection process. The first sponsored candidate on the waiting list will ordinarily fill vacancies arising by sponsored candidates not accepting a seat to make up 50% reservation for sponsored candidates.

In the event that more than 50% of the seats in any course are filled by sponsored candidates and one of the sponsored candidates does not accept the seat, it will be offered to the next candidate on the wait list by rank irrespective of whether he or she is sponsored or open.

No admissions will usually be made after 25th May 2014.
How to Apply:

Application forms can be accessed only online through the the Christian Medical College website http://www.admissions.cmcvellore.ac.in from 1st Oct 2013.
Duly filled application forms must be submitted online with a basic administrative fee of Rs.750/- and a registration fee of Rs. 600 per each course before 12 midnight on 8th Nov 2013.

All the supporting documents should reach the Office of Registrar, CMC, Vellore 2 by post on or before 12th Nov 2013.

Candidates applying from SAARC countries should send a Demand Draft for Rs.1500/- or its equivalent and those from other foreign countries, US dollars 100 or its equivalent as administrative fee in addition to the registration fee per course.

Money can be remitted by using any one of the following methods:

As a Challan at no extra cost at any branch of ICICI bank in India. A Challan will be generated when filling payment details in the application form. Please mention FC- CMC-V on the Challan. (Send the original Challan) Demand draft in favour of “C.M.C. Vellore Association a/c” on any Scheduled Bank, payable at Vellore
Keep your demand draft ready before filling the application form. Write your name and application number on the back of the demand draft before dispatching.
Online payment using payment gateway (credit or debit card / net banking)

Post Graduate Fellowship Admissions February 2014

Candidates having qualified for the MBBS/ (F04) BDS Degree, compulsory rotating residential internship and full registration before 15th May 2014
Those with a service obligation will need to have completed the same by 15th May 2014
How to Apply:
Application forms can be accessed only on-line through the CMC website, http://admissions.cmcvellore.ac.in/ from 1st Oct 2013 till 8th Nov 2013 and submitted online with a basic administrative fee of Rs.1000/-.
Candidates applying from SAARC countries should send Rs.2000/- or its equivalent and those from other foreign countries US dollars 100 or its equivalent.
Money can be remitted by using any one of the following methods:
As a Challan at no extra cost at any branch of ICICI bank in India. A Challan will be generated when filling payment details in the application form. Please mention FC- CMC-V on the Challan. (Send the original Challan)
Demand draft in favour of “C.M.C. Vellore Association a/c” on any Scheduled Bank, payable at Vellore
Keep your demand draft ready before filling the application form. Write your name and application number on the back of the demand draft before dispatching.
Online payment using payment gateway (credit /debit card / net banking)

Selection Process:
The selection of candidates for postgraduate courses will be according to the directives of the CMC Vellore Council. Fifty percent of the seats in each course are reserved for sponsored candidates, provided they fulfill other criteria for eligibility for admission.
However, more than 50% of the available seats may be allotted to sponsored candidates based on their ranking in the selection test. The wait list is based on ranking in the selection tests. The first sponsored candidate on the waiting list will ordinarily fill vacancies arising by sponsored candidates not accepting a seat to make up 50% reservation for sponsored candidates.
In the event that more than 50% of the seats in any course are filled by sponsored candidates and one of the sponsored candidates does not accept the seat, it will be offered to the next candidate on the wait list by rank irrespective of whether he or she is sponsored or open.

Important Dates:
Application can be accessed online: 01st Oct 2013
Last date for submission of online application form till 12 midnight: 08th Nov 2013
Last date for receipt of payment proof (applicable only for those who pay by demand draft): 12th Nov 2013
Last date for receipt of relevant supporting documents: 12th Nov 2013
Last date for receipt of relevant sponsorship forms from the sponsoring bodies: 15th Nov 2013
Hall Ticket can be downloaded from the website: 10th Jan 2014

For Medical Postgraduate Degree / Diploma Admissions 2014

Step 1:
Computer Based Test (CBT) – Online test: 24th Jan 2014
Announcement of list of candidates called for Step 2: 28th Jan 2014
Registration for Step 2 and Medical Checkup at Vellore: 11th Feb 2014

Step 2:
Assessment of Skills & Knowledge at Vellore: 12th Feb 2014
Announcement of final selection list: 13th Feb 2014
Acceptance by 12.00 noon: 14th Feb 2014
Registration for admission to Degree Courses**: 25th Mar 2014
Registration for admission to Diploma Courses**: 26th Mar 2014
Mandatory orientation programme: 27th Mar 2014 to 31st Mar 2014
Courses begin: 01st Apr 2014
For Post Graduate Fellowship Admissions February 2014
Step 1:
Computer Based Test (CBT) – Online test: 24th Jan 2014
Announcement of list of candidates called for Step 2: 28th Jan 2014
Registration for Step 2 and Medical Checkup at Vellore: 11th Feb 2014

Step 2:
Assessment of Skills & Knowledge at Vellore: 13th Feb 2014
Announcement of final selection list: 13th Feb 2014
Acceptance by 12.00 noon: 14th Feb 2014

Last date for receipt of completed registration forms for selected candidates: 28th Feb 2014
Registration for admission to Fellowship Courses**: 25th Mar 2014
Mandatory orientation programme: 27th Mar 2014 to 31st Mar 2014

Courses begin: 01st Apr 2014

Christian Medical College,
VELLORE - 632002, Tamil Nadu
Phone: +91 (416) 2284255; 5214255
Website: http://admissions.cmcvellore.ac.in

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