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Saturday, 14 December 2013

Use Google Calendar to remember important entrance exam dates

It is now easy for the Students and Candidates to remember Important Entrance Exam Dates using Google Calendar . As an Example, we have taken JEE Main Exam to  explain How one can use the Calendar for remembering Important Dates and planning their study schedule
JEE Exam is  in April 2014 and The Application process has already started .  Students and Aspirants can make effective use of Google Calendar to remember Important Dates for this Exam, For that matter any Exam or Important Dates .

Use Google Calendar to remember important dates and plan your study schedule for JEE Exam

With the dates of the JEE (Main) coming closer, it has become more important than ever for students to strategically streamline their schedules and study plans so as to make the most out of the remaining time.
The pen and paper exam will be held on April 6, 2014 while the computer-based exam will be conducted between April 9 to 19. Therefore, it is really important that you, as an aspiring candidate, leave no stones turned to come up with the best study plan imaginable. In order to help with that seemingly daunting task, we have come up with a really simple but efficient method that only requires some basic knowledge about the Google Calendar.
The method is really simple, and can be properly executed in three simple steps:

Step 1 Collect the entire schedule

Before you start using Google Calendar as a study planner, you must have the entire schedule of forthcoming events at your disposal. You can go about that objective by locating an official copy of the important dates and times on the Web.
For the sake of simplicity, we have enlisted the entire schedule for JEE 2014 below:
The results of JEE (Main) will be announced on May 3, 2014.
  • JEE (Advanced) registrations commences on May 4, 2014.
  • JEE (Advanced) registrations ends on May 9, 2014.
  • Admits cards will be available online from May 10, 2014 till May 24, 2014.
  • JEE (Advanced) will be held on May 25, 2014.
  • Answer keys will be available online on June 1, 2014.
  • Results will be available (online) on June 19, 2014.
Step 2: Identify the important dates

Just like the previous one, this one is also pretty simple. All you would require doing is identify the most important dates (such as date of the exam, date of receiving admit cards, and so on). Keep visiting the official JEE website regularly so as to make sure that you don’t miss out on any new or updated information.
 Step 3: Get organized

This is the most important and slightly complicated step(if you have never used Google Calendar before). To access Google Calendar, you must have a free Google account. If you don’t have a Google account, click here and fill the form to create one.

Once you can access Google Calendar, straightway go to the important dates that you want to highlight and create reminder for. For example, if you want to add a reminder for the JEE (Main) pen and paper exam, choose April 6, 2014 by navigating through the calendar on the left hand side of the screen.
Once you select the date, the following pan will appear in the immediate right to the Google calendar where you choose the date from.
Now, simply select the time of the exam in the right hand pan by clicking at the starting time and then dragging the mouse/touch-pad cursor all the way down to the ending time (in this case 09:30 and 12:30 respectively).
You can also edit your preferences as well as the specifics of the entry by selecting the Edit Event option like shown in the image above.
Repeat these steps with each individual important date. Depending upon your preferences, you will be duly notified via email or pop-up messages in a regular interval of your choice.
You can also follow the aforementioned steps to create a timetable for each subjects/topics/subtopics that you want to cover (or do a revision of) within a given time frame. This way, you will be constantly reminded of your strategic planning, which in turn will help you assess your progress regularly.
Need we say, both these aspects will eventually play a key difference between success and failure in a few months down the line!

Step 4: Make your calendar more accessible (optional)

Once you prepare your entire schedule and study plan in Google Calendar, the final step will be to make it easily accessible on any mobile or portable device that you or your parents own. Even though, you will always have the option to access your calendar from any Web browser, it will be more helpful if you could get an application for a mobile device you have access to (if any).
Google Calendar offers syncing service for all commonly used mobile OS platforms including: Android, iOS, BlackBerry, Symbian, Windows Phone, and so on.
Always remember, it may (and most probably, WILL) take sometime before you are used to having a comprehensive JEE 2014 schedule and study guide online. But, once you are used to it, the whole arrangement can prove to be immensely helpful for you to be more disciplined with your preparations.

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