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Saturday, 28 December 2013

GCET 2014 Goa Common Entrance Test MBBS BDS BE BPharm BArch BHMS

Centralized Degree Admissions 2014-15

Admissions to professional degree courses in the State of Goa for the academic year 2014-15
Admissions to Professional Courses MBBS/BDS/BHMS/B.E. and B.Pharm in the State of Goa for the academic year 2014-15 shall be carried out on basis of GCET (Goa Common Entrance Test), which shall be conducted in various Centres, across Goa State, as per following schedule

Goa Common Entrance Test (GCET- 2014)

Physics: 07th May 2014 (Wednesday, 10.00 to 12.00 hrs two hours)
Chemistry: 07th May 2014 (Wednesday, 14.00 to 16.00 hrs two hours)
Mathematics: 08th May 2014 (Thursday, 10.00 to 12.00 hrs two hours)
Biology: 08th May 2014 (Thursday, 14.00 to 16.00 hrs two hours)
GCET-2014 shall be conducted in the subjects of Physics, Chemistry, Maths and Biology, based on Std. XIIth syllabus prescribed in these subjects by Goa Board, for March-2014 exam
Each paper will consist of 75 (Seventy Five) questions, of one mark each, to be answered in two hours, with no negative marking
Admissions to B.Arch. course shall be on the basis of scores obtained at NATA (National Aptitude Test in Architecture), conducted by Council of Architecture, and qualifying exam (Std. XIIth /HSSC.)
Information regarding the admission process, schedules, eligibility criteria, merit list preparation and other relevant details shall be notified in the prospectus to be issued
For details, please visit website www.dtegoa.gov.in

Government of Goa

(Directorate of Technical Education Centralized Degree Admissions)
Website: http://dtegoa.gov.in/

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