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Saturday, 14 December 2013

Azim Premji University Masters Programme Admission 2014

Applications are invited for Master’s programmes 2014-16 in Education, Development
The University offers full-time, two year Postgraduate Programmes - Master of Arts in Education and Master of Arts in Development, to prepare professionals for fulfilling careers in the social sector
These programmes are designed such that both recently graduated students and working professionals can benefit from an exciting academic environment
The University proposes to also offer doctoral and undergraduate programmes over the next few years
A vibrant, multi-disciplinary learning environment
An enriching blend of theory and practice that informs the curriculum, learning processes, field work and institutional design at all levels
An exceptional faculty group of leading academicians and field practitioners in education and development who integrate academic rigour with real world experience
A supportive yet challenging culture of enquiry and discovery

Post Graduate Programmes (2 years)

Master of Arts in Education: The programme aims to help individuals develop into reflective education professionals with a conscious alignment towards humanitarian and social concerns
Graduates are encouraged to become education professionals who understand the multi-disciplinary social and developmental issues related to education; curriculum, pedagogy, assessment and policy issues at the heart of current education debates; inclusive education; issues associated with school education


The specialisations on offer for the M.A. Education programme (2014 – 16) are:
Curriculum and Pedagogy, Early Childhood Education, School Leadership and Management
In addition to the above, other specialisations are being considered and may also be offered
Typically, the choice of specialisation is to be made at the end of the second semester. Students opting for a specialisation are required to obtain atleast twenty credits from a set of electives belonging to the area of specialisation. In addition, it may be required to do semester III field practice in an area related to the specialisation
Alternatively, students not opting for a specialisation may pursue a balanced general programme and opt for any of the electives available

Master of Arts in Development

The programme aims to provide students with a sound grounding in core areas of development theory, research and practice from a multi-disciplinary perspective
The understanding of development and change includes areas such as health, nutrition, livelihood, environmental studies, governance and their influence on education
Students have the opportunity to specialize in areas such as Health and Nutrition, Law and Governance, Livelihoods, Public Policy, Sustainability in the second year
In addition to the above, other specialisation are being considered and may also be offered
Typically, the choice of specialisation is to be made at the end of the second semester. Students opting for a specialisation are required to obtain atleast twenty credits from a set of electives belonging to the area of specialisation. In addition, it may be required to do semester III field practice in an area related to the specialisation.
Alternatively, students not opting for a specialisation may pursue a balanced general programme and opt for any of the electives available


M.A. (Education) and M.A. (Development): Bachelor’s degree in any discipline
Including Physical Sciences, Social Sciences, Humanities, Engineering, Medicine, Agriculture, Environmental Sciences, Commerce, Management, etc.
Candidates with work experience are actively encouraged to apply
Undergraduate students who are appearing for their final examinations and are expecting their results by July 2014 are eligible to apply
The offer of provisional admission to Azim Premji University is valid only on successful graduation

Selection Process:

The selection process to the programmes will have a written test and a personal interview
Written Test: Eligible candidates will be required to take a National Entrance Test on 16th Feb 2014 (Sunday)
To enable easy access for students, the test is conducted at 34 centres across the country including 3 online centres
Personal Interview: Candidates short-listed on the basis of written test performance will be called for a personal interview in the period 10th – 22nd March 2014
Details on the admissions process are available www.azimpremjiuniversity.edu.in/admissions

Application Procedure:

Application forms for the Masters Programmes are available online on the University website between December and February
Offline forms are made available on request. Students may choose to apply for both the programmes
Admission offer to a programme will be made based on student’s preference, subject to performance in the test and interview. In case, the student qualifies for both programmes, the University reserves the right to offer admission to only the programme of first preference

Financial Assistance:

Azim Premji University has an explicit commitment towards supporting disadvantaged students and provides extensive financial assistance for deserving students to pursue studies
Different types of financial assistance are given, based on various factors like low family income, requirement for living assistance and support for dependents in the case of students who leave employment to pursue studies

Sponsored Candidates:

Candidates sponsored by other organisations are welcome at the University – the sponsoring organisation can approach the University for a direct and long-term tie up. Sponsored candidates will also go through the same selection process as all other applicants
The financial support programme will be available for sponsored candidates as well, post assessment of the nature of the sponsorship

Placement Support:

The social sector today offers a variety of exciting career opportunities for students, with a desire to contribute to the overall development of the country
Growing public investment, landmark legislations like the Right to Education Act and large government programmes like NREGA, NRLM etc., and the increasing participation of NGOs from policy-making to implementation and monitoring, call for talented professionals in large numbers. In addition, innovative social entrepreneurs are needed to ideate, create and implement path breaking solutions to social problems
Students can look forward to fulfilling roles in organisations that engage in grassroots work in the field. They can also look forward to roles in academia, policy think tanks, politics, govt. programmes, multilateral agencies etc., corporate social responsibility departments of companies, funding organisations and the media

Application Form:

Online: Candidates can access and fill in the application form and complete the application process online at www.azimpremjiuniversity.edu.in/apply-now
Offline: Candidates can download the application form and fee payment challan from the University website
The details on the form can be hand written and sent to Admissions Cell along with the fee paid challan and copy of degree certificate
Candidates can also write to the Admissions Cell, Azim Premji University, PES Institute of Technology Campus, Pixel Park, B Block, Electronics City, Hosur Road (Beside NICE Road), Bangalore, 560100, requesting for application form
Candidates are requested to enclose a self-addressed A4 sized thick envelope, affixed with a postage stamp of Rs.50. The envelope should be accompanied with a request letter having name, address and contact number of the candidate
The application form, application fee payment challan and information brochure will be mailed to the candidate
Application Fee: An application fee of Rs.250 to be remitted in favour of Azim Premji University - Fees A/c. either through bank challan or internet banking
The fee remains same whether the candidate applies for one or both programmes
Application fees can be paid at any branch of both State Bank of India or Union Bank of India and the payment details have to be entered in the relevant section of the application form
State Bank of India, payment through bank challan, the fees of Rs 250/- (bank charges of Rs 25/- will be extra) is to be remitted to A/c No-31645699196, through the attached SBI challan in favour of Azim Premji University Fees a/c, Branch Code 14125; or
Union Bank of India, payment through bank challan, the fees of Rs 250/- (no bank charges apply) is to be remitted to A/c No-554301010050039 through the attached UBI challan or payment can also be made through internet banking account to Union Bank of India A/c No-554301010050039, IFSC Code-UBIN0555436, MICR Code- 560026027; or
Payment can also be made online using credit/debit card (charges of 2.25% is applicable)
Challans for payment are available for download in the apply online section
Submission of the filled in application form:
Register online with your e-mail ID and details as required
On successful registration, an email will be sent to your e-mail ID with a link to access the form and complete it online
Payment can be made online at www.azimpremjiuniversity.edu.in/admissions using a credit card/ debit card or an internet banking account
Documents and passport photograph required must be uploaded
In case this is not possible, after completion and submission of the online application form, a copy of the documents and photograph must mailed to the Admissions Cell, Azim Premji University, PES Institute of Technology Campus, Pixel Park, B-Block, Electronics City, Hosur Road (Beside NICE Road), Bangalore-560100

Important Dates:

Issue of application forms by post/uploaded online: 04th Dec 2013 onwards
Last date of issue of forms by post: 31st Jan 2014
Last date for receipt of completed application forms: 07th Feb 2014
National Entrance Test-2014 16th Feb 2014 (Sunday)
Announcement of eligible candidates for personal interview: First week of Mar-2014
Personal Interviews: 10th – 22nd March 2014
Announcement of selected candidates: Third week of Apr-2014
Orientation programme begins July 2014
Commencement of Academic session 04th Aug 2014

Azim Premji University, Bangalore

PES Institute of Technology Campus, Pixel Park, B Block, Electronics City, Hosur Road (Beside NICE Road), Bangalore-560100
Website www.azimpremjiuniversity.edu.in

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