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Saturday, 21 December 2013

Karunya University Coimbatore BTech Entrance Exam 2014

B.Tech, B.Tech (Lateral Entry) Admission-2014
All India Karunya Entrance Examination (KEE)-2014

KEE 2014 is the engineering entrance examination conducted by Karunya University for admissions into B.Tech courses for session 2014
All India Karunya Entrance Examination-2014 (KEE-2014) and Single Window Counseling-2014
KEE-2014 will be conducted by Karunya University in 60 locations across India on 26th April 2014 from 10.00 am to 12.30 pm.
KEE-2014 is an objective type examination, in which questions will be covered from the +2 /HSC level subjects namely Maths, Physics, Chemistry & General Aptitude and Christian Values/General Ethics
Appearance in KEE-2014 is mandatory for admission to B.Tech courses
The Admission for B.Tech courses will be conducted at Karunya University Campus through Single Window Counseling
The Single Window Counseling will be held in the month of May 2014
NRI/International Candidates are exempted from writing KEE-2014

Application are invited for Undergraduate Admission

B.Tech (4 years): Aerospace Engineering, Biomedical Engineering, Biotechnology, Civil Engineering, Computer Science and Engineering, Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Electronics and Communication Engineering, Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering, Electronics and Media Technology, Food Processing and Engineering, Mechanical Engineering

Eligibility Criteria:

Civil Engineering: Civil Engg., Civil and Rural Engg., Architectural Assistantship, Architecture (Sandwich) with 70 % marks or B.Sc. Physics or Chemistry with Mathematics as one of the subjects with 70 % marks in Part-III or B.Sc. Mathematics with 70 % marks in Part-III or Equivalent B.Sc. degree
Aerospace Engineering: Aeronautical Engg., Mechanical Engineering or Aircraft Maintenance Engineering course (3 years) offered by Director General of Civil Aviation, Govt. of India with 70 % marks or B.Sc. Physics or Chemistry with Mathematics as one of the subjects with 70 % marks in Part-III or B.Sc. Mathematics with 70 % marks in Part-III or Equivalent B.Sc. degree
Mechanical Engineering: Mechanical Engg., Mechanical and Rural Engg., Mechanical Design & Drafting, Production Engg., Automobile Engg., Metallurgy, Mechatronics Engg., Machine Tool Maintenance and Repairs, Tool and Die Making, Tool Engg., Foundry Technology, Refrigeration & Air Conditioning, Agricultural Engg., Marine Engg., Fisheries Technology & Navigation, Foundry Technology, Pulp and Paper Technology with 70 % marks or B.Sc. Physics or Chemistry with Mathematics as one of the subjects with 70 % marks in Part-III or B.Sc. Mathematics with 70 % marks in Part-III or Equivalent B.Sc. degree
Electrical & Electronics, Electronics & Instrumentation, Computer Science, Information Technology: Electrical Engg., Electronics  & Communication Engg., Electronics & Instrumentation Engg., Electronics Engg. (Instrumentation), Computer Technology, Information Technology, Computer Science & Engg., Instrumentation & Control Engg., Mechatronics Engineering, Mechanical Engineering with 70 % marks or B.Sc. Physics or Chemistry with Mathematics as one of the subjects with 70 % marks in Part-III or B.Sc. Mathematics with 70 % marks in Part-III or Equivalent B.Sc. degree
Electronics & Comm.: Electrical Engg., Electronics  & Communication Engg., Electronics & Instrumentation Engg., Electronics Engg. (Instrumentation), Computer Technology, Information Technology, Computer Science & Engg., Instrumentation & Control Engg., Mechatronics Engineering with 70 % marks or B.Sc. Physics or Chemistry with Mathematics as one of the subjects with 70 % marks in Part-III or B.Sc. Mathematics with 70 % marks in Part-III or Equivalent B.Sc. degree
Electronics & Media Tech: Electrical Engg., Electronics  & Communication Engg., Electronics & Instrumentation Engg., Electronics Engg. (Instrumentation), Computer Technology, Information Technology, Computer Science & Engg., Instrumentation & Control Engg., Mechatronics Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Printing Technology with 70 % marks or B.Sc. Physics or Chemistry with Mathematics as one of the subjects with 70 % marks in Part-III or B.Sc. Mathematics with 70 % marks in Part-III or Equivalent B.Sc. degree
Biotechnology: Diploma in Chemical Engineering, Instrumentation, Food Technology, Pharmaceutical Technology with 70 % marks, B.Sc. Life Sciences, Physics, Chemistry, Microbiology, Biotechnology, Biochemistry with 70 % marks
Bioinformatics: Diploma in Chemical Engineering, Instrumentation, IT, Computer Science, Food Technology, Pharmaceutical Technology with 70 % marks, B.Sc. Life Sciences, Physics, Chemistry, Maths, Computer Science, IT with 70 % marks
Food Processing Engineering: Diploma in Food Processing & Preservation/Chemical Engineering, Agricultural Engineering, Mechanical Engineering with 70 % marks, B.Sc. in Food Sciences, Food Sciences & Quality Control, Food Nutrition & Dietetics, Food Technology, Biochemistry, Mathematics, Microbiology, Biotechnology, Chemistry and Physics with 70 % marks
Application Form: Application form and prospectus can be obtained from the Admissions Officer, Karunya University, Coimbatore-641114, Tamil Nadu, India by sending a crossed demand draft Rs 750/- (Hard Copy Rs.800/-) (US$ 60 NRI/International) drawn in favour of the Registrar, Karunya University payable at Coimbatore; or can be obtained in person at Jesus Calls Centres www.jesuscalls.org

Important Dates:

Issue of Application forms and Prospectus 02nd Dec 2013
Last date for submission of filled-in OMR sheet & online application (Indian Nationals): 14th Apr 2014
All India Karunya Entrance Examination-2014: 26th Apr 2014
Announcement of results in Karunya website: 06th May 2014
Single Window Counseling at Karunya University Campus: 14th, 15th, 16th May 2014
B.Tech. enrollment day: 11th & 12th July 2014
B.Tech. opening date/Classes Commencement: 14th July 2014

Karunya University, Coimbatore

(Approved by University Grants Commission)
Karunya Nagar, Coimbatore-641114, Tamil Nadu, Tel 422-2614446, Email admissions@karunya.edu
Website: http://admissions.karunya.edu

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