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Saturday, 21 December 2013

Karunya University Post Graduate Admissions 2014

Application are invited for Post Graduate Admission 2014

M.Tech. (Master of Technology) (Full Time - 2 Years): Aerospace Engineering, Applied Electronics, Biomedical Instrumentation, Biotechnology, Communication Systems, Computer & Communication, Computer Science & Engineering, Control & Instrumentation, Embedded Systems, Food Processing Engineering, Information Technology, Integrated Water Resources Management, Mechanical Engineering, Nanotechnology, Network & Internet Engineering, Power Electronics & Drives, Renewable Energy Technologies, Software Engineering, Structural Engineering, VLSI Design,  Mechanical Engineering (Lateral Entry) - 1 year

PG Degree Courses:

MBA (Semester pattern) (Full time 2 years): Marketing, Finance, HR, International Business & Operations
MBA (Semester pattern) (Full time 2 years): Logistics & Shipping Management
MCA: (Lateral Entry (Full time 2 years)
M.Sc. (Full-Time 2 Year): Networking Technology
M.Sc. (Lateral Entry) (Full time 2 years): Visual Communication
PG Degree Courses:
Advanced Manufacturing Technology (In collaboration with CMTI, Bangalore) (1st semester in Karunya University Campus 2nd semester in CMTI Bangalore); Petroleum & Natural Gas flow measurements & Instrumentation (In collaboration with FCRI, Palakkad) (1st semester in Karunya University Campus & 2nd semester in FCRI, Palakkad)


Power Electronic and Drives, Applied Electronics, Control and Instrumentation Engg, Bio-medical Instrumentation: B.E./B.Tech/AMIE in ECE/EIE/EEE/ICE
Bio-medical Instrumentation: B.E./B.Tech/AMIE in ECE/EIE/EEE/ICE/Biomedical Engineering/ Biomedical Instrumentation
Computer Science and Engg: B.E./B.Tech/AMIE in ECE/EIE/EEE/CSE/ICE/IT/MCA
Computer and Communication, Communication Systems: B.E./B.Tech/AMIE in ECE/EIE/EEE/ EMT/CSE/ICE/IT/MCA
Network and Internet Engineering: B.E./B.Tech/AMIE in CSE/IT/ECE/EMT
Structural Engg: B.E./B.Tech/AMIE Civil
Embedded Systems: B.E./B.Tech/AMIE in ECE/EIE/EEE/ICE/CSE/IT
Mechanical Engg: B.E. /B.Tech. /AMIE in Mechanical /Automobile/Production/Manufacturing / Industrial Engineering /Computer Integrated Manufacturing Engineering/Aeronautical Engineering or Equivalent
Software Engineering: B.E./B.Tech/AMIE CSE/ IT
Information Technology: 60 % marks in BE/B.Tech in ECE/CSE/ICE/IT
Biotechnology: B.Tech (Biotechnology, Bioinformatics, Chemical Engineering, Food Processing Engineering), B.Pharm, M.Sc, Life Sciences with Mathematics
Food Processing Engg: B.E. / B.Tech / AMIE in Food Process Engineering / Agricultural Engineering / Chemical Engineering/Biotechnology/Bioinformatics / B.Pharm /M. Sc in Food Science and Nutrition / Biotechnology/Chemistry/Biochemistry/Microbiology
Nanotechnology: M.Sc (Physics/Chemistry)/M.Sc Life Science (Mathematics upto 10+2 level) any B.E./B.Tech/AMIE courses
Integrated Water Resources Mgmt: Any B.E./B.Tech/M.Sc/B.Sc (Agri)
Renewable Energy Technologies: B.E./B.Tech in Electrical and Electronics Engineering/ Electronics and Communication Engineering/ Instrumentation Engineering/ Energy Engineering/ Mechanical Engineering/ Biotechnology/ Chemical Engineering/ Electrochemical Engineering/ Automobile Engineering/ Manufacturing Engineering/ Production Engineering/ Industrial Engineering or equivalent
Mechanical Engg (Lateral Entry): B.E./B.Tech in Mechanical Engineering and PG Diploma in Advanced Manufacturing Technology/PG Diploma in Petroleum and Natural Gas Flow Measurements and Instrumentation
Aerospace Engineering: B.E. / B.Tech. in Aerospace / Aeronautical / Mechanical  or Equivalent
MBA: The minimum eligibility is an undergraduate degree. The applicants who have secured more than 60% in their qualifying examination also those with experience will be preferred
MCA (Lateral Entry): B.Sc. (CS/IT/CT) /BCA or Equivalent degree with a minimum of 60% marks
M.Sc. Networking Technology: BCA, B.Sc. degree in IT/CS/SE/CT/Computer based degree or Equivalent
P.G. Diploma in Advanced Manufacturing Technology (in collaboration with CMTI, Bangalore): 50% Marks in B.Tech (Mechanical Engineering) or equivalent
P.G. Diploma in Petroleum and Natural Gas flow Measurements and Instrumentation (In collaboration with FCRI, Palakkad): 50% marks in B.E./B.Tech. (Mechanical/Aerospace /Chemical /Electronics & Instrumentation /Electrical and Electronics /Electronics and Communication Engineering) or Equivalent
M.Sc. Visual Communication (Lateral Entry): Any degree with 50% marks
Admission Procedure:
Based on the marks scored by the candidate in UG degree (50%), online test (25%) and interview (25%), the PG admission will be provisionally made
The admission for PG course will be confirmed after receiving the final marks statement / degree certificate as per the eligibility norms of the University
For MBA programme, the marks scored in national level examinations such as CAT, MAT, XAT and TANCET will also be considered for admission

Application Form:

Application form and prospectus can be obtained from the Admissions Officer, Karunya University, Coimbatore-641114, Tamil Nadu, by sending a crossed demand draft drawn in favour of the Registrar, Karunya University payable at Coimbatore; or can be obtained in person at Jesus Calls Centres www.jesuscalls.org
Cost of application for M.Tech/MCA/MBA is Rs. 600 (Hard Copy) /Rs 500/- (Online); (USD 40 NRI/International); M.Sc/PG Diploma Rs. 250 (Hard Copy)/Rs 200/- (Online); (USD 15 NRI/International)

mportant Dates:

Issue of Application forms and Prospectus: 02nd Dec 2013
Last date for submission of Application form (all PG courses): 31st May 2014
M.Tech. / PG Diploma enrolment day: 10th July 2014
Classes commencement for M.Tech. /PG Diploma: 14th July 2014
Other PG courses enrollment day (MBA, MCA- Lateral Entry & M.Sc.): 26th July 2014
Classes commencement for PG courses (MBA, MCA- Lateral Entry & M.Sc.): 28th July 2014

Karunya University, Coimbatore

Karunya Nagar, Coimbatore-641114, Tamil Nadu
Tel-0422-2363636, Website: www.karunya.edu

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