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Saturday, 14 December 2013

NIMS Hyderabad MD MS PG Medical Specialty Courses Admission 2014

Admission Notice-2014

MD/MS Post Graduate Medical Specialty Courses Admission-2014

Applications are invited from eligible candidates of Andhra Pradesh for admission into MD/MS post graduate medical specialty courses for the year 2014
Number of seats, duration of course and entry qualification required:
MD (Anaesthesiology) (07 seats), MD (Bio-Chemistry) (04 seats), MD (General Medicine) (04 seats), MD (Hospital Administration) (03 seats), MS (Orthopaedics) (04 seats), MD (Pathology) (05 seats), MD (Radiotherapy) (01 seats)
Duration: 3 years
Eligibility: Candidates who have passed MBBS examination from Medical Colleges recognized by MCI and completed Internship at the time of their applying are eligible
Candidates who will be completing Internship on or before 31st Mar 2014 are also eligible to apply, provided they submit a certificate to the effect that is signed by the Principal/Dean
Requirement of compulsory rotating internship shall not be condoned unless approved by the Medical Council of India (MCI)
The condonation of compulsory rotating internship shall be restricted to the period up to 31st Mar 2014 and not beyond that date
The condonation certificate from MCI must be submitted along with the application form

The candidates who have already registered for any regular or part time course at NIMS and would like to apply for admission to another course at NIMS, shall resign from such Training /course in the Institute duly fulfilling the conditions of the bond and failure to do so will render their applications for admission liable to be rejected
Entrance Test: The entrance examination is common to all post-graduate courses and consists of 150 single best response type MCQs covering all subjects carrying 150 marks to be answered in 150 minutes duration
The syllabus for entrance test shall be that of MBBS standard of the universities in Andhra Pradesh State
ll questions will be of one best/correct response type having four alternatives

More than one answer indicated against a question will be deemed as incorrect response and negative marks will be given
Each answer with correct response shall be awarded one mark
Zero mark will be given for the questions not answered
Negative marks will be given for incorrect response
For every incorrect response 0.25 marks will be deducted
The minimum percentage of marks for eligibility in the entrance examination for admission to postgraduate medical courses shall be 50% for general category candidates, 45% for persons with locomotory disability of lower limbs as defined earlier and 40% for the candidates belonging to SC/ST/OBC
Candidates appearing for entrance test will not be paid any traveling allowance
Selection Procedure: Selection will be made based on the performance of the candidates at the common entrance test (NIMSET-2014)
In the event of two or more candidates securing equal marks in the entrance examination, their inter se merit in the descending order shall be determined as follows:
i) Candidate scoring less negative marks followed by
ii) Candidate securing higher aggregate marks in Final MBBS examination (Part I and Part II) will be followed by
iii) Candidate senior in age
The marks obtained by the candidates in the entrance examination and merit list along with the names of candidates qualified for counseling will be displayed on the notice board of the Institute/website www.nims.edu.in
In case the candidate fails to report for counseling he/she forfeits the right to admission
Admission Procedure: All those candidates who have been allotted the seat have to pay the fee and submit the original certificates on the date of admission
All the candidates joining the post graduate degree course shall execute a bond and undergo medical examination by a board constituted by NIMS
The bond should be on non‐judicial stamped paper of Rs.100/‐ value along with two sureties at the time of admission as per the format enclosed to the prospectus at AnnexureIV that they shall complete the course failing which the conditions of the bond shall be invoked
The sureties on the bond should be not below the rank of Gazetted Officers
The signature of the surety should be supported by seal/rubber stamp; after the certificates are scrutinized and found to be in order, the candidate signs an agreement and he/she is given the admission letter
No individual correspondence will be made for counseling/admission
Candidates are requested to follow the information regularly displayed at NIMS notice board and website: www.nims.edu.in

Application Form:

A candidate must submit both soft and hard copies of the application form
An account must be created by using an existing E-mail ID, candidate’s name, date of birth and a password
E-mail ID should be already existing, active and should be valid
E-mail ID once filled cannot be changed
It may be ensured that E-mail ID is correctly filled failing which no communications will occur
E-mail ID and password will be the applicant’s user name and password for accessing online application form. In case the password is forgotten the applicant may click on forgot password tab and follow the procedure
The applicant’s full name should be the same as given in the secondary school leaving certificate or equivalent examination
Date of birth should be the same as recorded in the secondary school leaving certificate or equivalent examination
Once registered, the registration details cannot be changed
Declaration once made in the application with regard to the social status like SC/ST/BC-A, B, C, D and E etc, will not be changed subsequently either prior to entrance examination or counseling
Applications without duly attested SC/ST/BC certificates shall be treated strictly as belonging to open category and no correspondence shall be entertained after the last date of submission of application
A demand draft may be obtained for Rs.2000/- (Rs two thousand only) in favour of the Director, Nizam’s Institute of Medical Sciences, payable at Hyderabad or by paying Rs.2000/- in NIMS cash counter in person
The candidates must write his/her name and application registration number on the back side of the demand draft/NIMS cash receipt
Application fee is non‐refundable even if the application is summarily rejected
It is important to obtain a digital copy of a passport size photograph or a soft copy of the scanned photograph of size not more than 100KB
The signature of the candidate may be inserted in an area of 2”x1” on white paper with black ball point pen
The signature area of 2”x1” may be scanned, cropped and saved for uploading with the online application
The size of the scanned image of the signature should not be more than 100 KB
One must not upload signature in A4 size format/complete paper as this later on would result in difficulty in inserting the signature in their admit cards
The online application form is now filled completely after logging in to the individual account of the candidate
Instructions for filling are provided as help text in the online application form against each item to be filled in
Applicant can edit the application details only before submitting the application
Once submit button is clicked he/she will not be able to edit the details
Therefore, submit button should be clicked only after ensuring that all the application details are correct in all respects before the final and irrevocable submission
The filled-in application form now needs to be printed
The hard copy of the filled-in application form with all necessary documents (Annexure-I) and the demand draft/NIMS cash receipt shall be submitted in person or sent by post to the Associate Dean, Aptitude Testing, Academic 3, 2nd floor, OPD Block (Old Building), Nizam’s Institute of Medical Sciences, Punjagutta, Hyderabad-500082, Andhra Pradesh on or before 28th Dec 2013, 05.00 p.m.
The filled in applications received after the prescribed date and time shall not be considered. The Institute will not be responsible for non‐receipt of applications or delay in postal transit

Important Dates:

Availability of on‐line application: 09th Dec 2013
Last date for submission of application: By 05.00 p.m. of 28th Dec 2013
Cut‐off date for completion of internship: 31st Mar 2014
Issue of Hall Tickets: 10th Feb 2014
Date of entrance examination: 10.00 a.m. on 16th Feb 2014 (Sunday)
Publication of question booklets after 05.00 p.m. of 17th Feb 2014
Deadline for report of discrepancies in self‐evaluation of OMR sheets, if any 05.00 p.m. of 19th Feb 2014
Display of provisional results & Merit list: 26th Feb 2014
Date of Counseling
Payment of fee and submission of original certificate and bond: Date will be notified later
Commencement of classes 02nd May 2014
Closure of admissions: 31st May 2014

Nizam’s Institute of Medical Sciences

(A University estd under the State Act)
Punjagutta, Hyderabad-500082, Andhra Pradesh, Website www.nims.edu.in

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