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Saturday, 14 December 2013

Indian Institute of Forest Management Bhopal Announces MPhil Admission for 2014

M.Phil Admission 2014-15

M.Phil. (Natural Resource Management) 2014-15 batch

Institute of Forest Management  (IIFM)  Bhopal has come out with an advertisement for  admissions to MPHIL in 2014 session
Indian Institute of Forest Management, Bhopal, invites applications for M.Phil (Natural Resource Management) (award of degree by Saurashtra University, Rajkot) commencing from July, 2014
Indian Institute of Forest Management, Bhopal, invites applications for M.Phil (Natural Resource Management) (award of degree by Saurashtra University, Rajkot) commencing from July, 2014
With a focus on Natural Resource Management, the programme comprises of class work, field work, seminar, study tour (National as well as abroad) and dissertation
Eligibility: Candidates must have a Post Graduate Degree/Diploma or its equivalent, recognized by an Indian University or Association of Indian Universities with minimum of 55% marks (50% for SC/ST/PD) in aggregate in the field of Science/Engineering/Management and related Social Sciences (as decided by equivalence committee of the Institute)
Those appearing in the final year of Post Graduation examination can also apply; provided they complete the eligibility criteria by June 2014
Seats: The total number of seats available is 20; out of which maximum of 10 seats will be filled by in-service officers from Indian Forest Service, State Forest Services, Group A officers or equivalent from other Govt. Departments/Public Sector and Representatives from NGOs with minimum three years of experience in fields related to Natural Resource Management
Remaining 10 seats shall be filled by other eligible candidates
Reservation: Reservation of seats will be applicable to the candidates as per the prevailing Govt. of India norms
Selection Process: For in-service officers, the application should be forwarded through proper channel which will be scrutinised at the Institute for direct interview. Candidates possessing UGC/CSIR/ICAR-NET certificate or PGDFM from IIFM with a minimum of 3.0 OGPA shall also be exempted from written test and will be directly called for interview
Others have to qualify a written test conducted by the Institute. The cutoff score of the test will be decided by the Institute and shall have three components namely English ability, analytical ability and natural resource management aptitude
Fee: The total cost of the programme is Rs.1,50,000/- (Rupees one lakh, fifty thousand only)
How to Apply: Interested candidates are required to submit their applications in the prescribed application form with all supporting documents
Application form and details about the programme are available at the website www.iifm.ac.in
Completed application form along with a Demand Draft of Rs.500/- in favour of Director IIFM, payable at Bhopal, should be sent to Chairperson, M.Phil. (NRM) Admission, Indian Institute of Forest Management, Nehru Nagar, Bhopal-462003, Madhya Pradesh so as to reach IIFM latest by 02nd Apr 2014
Last date for submitting of application form is 02nd April, 2014

Indian Institute of Forest Management, Bhopal

(An Autonomous Institute under the Ministry of Environment and Forests, Govt of India)
P.O. Box 357, Nehru Nagar, Bhopal-462003, Madhya Pradesh
Website www.iifm.ac.in

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