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Saturday, 14 December 2013

Remove your Exam Fear with these Positive Affirmations

The Dictionary meaning of Affirmations is  “The action or process of affirming or being affirmed” .
Millions of people worldwide have used affirmations and have learned how to create more of what they want in their lives, including more wellness in their bodies, minds, and spirits.An affirmation is a positive assertion, a solemn declaration, a way to change your way of thinking. You can use affirmations to improve performance and results in all areas of your life. Most of the Motivational speakers strongly believe that by using powerful positive thinking techniques, visualizations and positive affirmations, it is possible to achieve whatever you want in your life
A powerful way to help students build confidence and achieve more of their potential is to show them how to revise their limiting beliefs.  Continually repeating affirmations with conviction and passion will chip away at even the strongest resistance.

Positive Self talk helps, what we feed to our brain becomes a reality. One needs to eliminate negative thoughts or self-talk by replacing them with a positive affirmation. Remove exam fear by following these affirmations specially for CBSE  Board Exam appearing students and Entrance Exams Students  (NEET UG 2013, JEE Main 2013, IIT, CAT, MAT 2013 and other entrance exams)
The affirmations in this article are targeted at the student, the learner, thaugh most of these can be applied in our everyday life
Here are some of them – Check out the Video
I am ready to begin my day!
I am healthy and I eat healthy !
I am prepared for whatever comes my way today !
I will try my best at everything i do !
I believe in myself, I believe, I can do anything !
Studying comes easily to me and I love studying !
I am a capable person, I am going to learn a lot today !
I will turn my nervous feelings into positive energy !
I have gifts and talents that make me special.
I know what I need to know for this exam.
I’m Very Focused in My Preparations !
Every day in every way I am getting better and better !
I have a perfect memory and I can recall with ease.
I will do well in this exam as I am well prepared
I feel good about myself and my surroundings.
I plan my study schedule and try to stick to it
I am a responsible person and I will always do my best !

you ROCK !

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