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Saturday, 21 December 2013

Pramukhswami Medical College Gujarat Pre-PG Medical Entrance Exam 2014

Pre-PG Medical Entrance Examination 2014

Sardar Patel University (Faculty of Medicine) invites Applications for Admission to Postgraduate Courses at Pramukhswami Medical College, Karamsad and Gujarat
Registered MBBS Graduates of MCI Recognized Colleges may apply for the admission to 3 year MD/MS and 2 year Diploma PG Courses for the Academic Year 2014-2015
Eligibility: The candidate’s MBBS degree must be recognized by the Medical Council of India
In case of Indian graduates of foreign universities (Russia, China etc) equivalence and/or  MCI registration certificate to be produced latest, at the time of counseling
He/she should be completing/completed compulsory rotating Internship at the time of counselling
All candidates shall have to submit the documentary proof from the Dean of the college regarding the date of joining and expected date of completion of internship along with the application, failing which their application shall be rejected
A candidate currently engaged in PG. Medical Studies at Sardar Patel University or any other university or equivalent body is not eligible
On completion of the course he/she becomes eligible
A candidate, who in the past, selected and admitted to any or equivalent body and did not complete the course, is not eligible
A candidate, who had been disqualified by this University, will not be eligible
A candidate who is a graduate of University other than Sardar Patel University will have to submit provisional eligibility certificate from Sardar Patel University within one month from the date of his/her admission, failing which the admission of candidate shall be cancelled and he/she will not be eligible to apply in future
A candidate applying for NRI category need to submit the sponsorship in the prescribed format which can be downloaded from the website &/or obtained from the PG section of the College
Selection Process: The academic merit shall be established through a common entrance test (CET) conducted by the SP University
The calculation of academic merit will be as follows:
The Merit list would be prepared by giving 50% weightage to the cumulative marks obtained by the students at the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd MBBS (Part I & II) examinations and 50% weightage to marks obtained from the CET
With regard to the entrance test held for postgraduate admissions by the University or the college, the minimum percentage of marks for eligibility for admission to the postgraduate medical courses shall be fifty percent for all the candidates
Merit list will be displayed on the website of college/university website and college notice board
Eligible candidates whose names appear on the respective merit list would be required to attend the 1st round of counselling session on 17th Apr 2014, at their cost
No separate letter/intimation for the counselling session would be issued
They should bring all original certificates for verification and also carry a photo ID card

How to Apply:

This prospectus contains all the necessary information to enable students to fill the application form, in addition to information on PG courses offered, fee structure, briefly the rules and regulations and examination
Please go through this prospectus carefully before filling the application form
Obtaining Application form, payment & process of application:
Application form is to be downloaded from the website and filled
The completed application form with documents and the necessary application fee for the categories of choice to be submitted at the office before the last date of application
The application fee is to be paid in cash or demand draft drawn in favour of “Charutar Arogya Mandal”, Payable at Anand on any nationalized bank. (Cheques will not be accepted /please do not send cash by post)
Admission committee is not responsible for any loss/delay/damage which might occur during Postal or Courier delivery
Forms will not be accepted after the due date 10th Jan 2014
Application form can be obtained from PG cell by paying the application fee of Rs 3000/-in cash or demand draft drawn in favour of Charutar Arogya Mandal, Payable at Anand on any nationalized bank
Applications with all enclosures should reach to the Chairman, PG Admission Committee, Pramukhswami Medical College, Karmsad, Gujarat-388325, on or before 10th January 2014, (04.00 p.m.)
Attachments to be submitted with the application form:
Self attested and clear photocopies of the documents, birth certificate/school leaving certificate; a photo ID proof (driving licence, passport, PAN card and voters card); mark sheet’s of the 1st/2nd/3rd (Part-I/II) MBBS issued by the university with all attempts certificates; internship completion certificate/certificate regarding completion of nine month of internship and it shall mention the date of completion of internship; degree certificate (provisional/permanent) and passing  certificate issued by the university; attempt certificate issued by the college; Medical Council Registration Certificate/State Medical Council registration certificate (permanent or temporary); copy of admit card of NEET PG
Note: Examination Admit card will be sent by E-mail after 15th January 2014. The candidate has to produce it with a photo ID proof (Govt.) at the time of examination

Exam Entrance Test:

The examination is MCQ types, candidate will have to answer the questions in an OMR Answer sheet
Duration: 120 minutes
Date and Time: 22nd Jan 2014 (Wednesday, 11.00 a.m. to 01.00 p.m.)
Centre of Examination: Gyanoday Examination hall S.P. University, V.V. Nagar
Candidates are advised to be present at the examination centre at least 30 minutes before the examination

Important Dates:

Admission Notice/Advertisement on All India basis: 10th Dec 2013 (Tuesday)
Last date for receiving filled-in application forms by: 10th Jan 2014 (Friday, 04.00 p.m.)
Conduct of Entrance Exam: 22nd Jan 2014 (Wednesday, timings: 11.00 a.m. to 01.00 p.m.)
Venue: Gyanodaya Exam Hall, SP Univ. VV Nagar
Declaration of result of Entrance Exam: 24th Jan 2014 (Friday)
1st round of counselling and admission 17th Apr 2014 (Thursday)
Last date of joining the allotted college and course: 24th Apr 2014 (Thursday)
2nd round of counselling and admission: 28th Apr 2014 (Monday)
Last date up to which students can be admitted after 2nd round of counselling: 01st May 2014 (Thursday)
Commencement of academic session: 01st May 2014 (Thursday)
Last date up to which students can be admitted against vacancies arising due to any reason: 31st May 2014 (Saturday)
For further details, please visit website: www.charutarhealth.org

Pramukhswami Medical College

(Under the agies of Sardar Patel University)
Karamsad, Dist Anand, Gujarat-388325, Tel 02692-228460, Email aao@charutarhealth.org
Website www.charutarhealth.org

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