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Saturday, 14 December 2013

Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Medical Sciences PG Courses Admission 2014

Post Graduate Degree and Diploma Courses 2014

Applications in the prescribed form for the Admission and Registration to Post-graduation, Degree / Diploma Courses, May 2014 in the following subjects for the seats mentioned against each subject, are invited from the candidates

Post Graduate Courses Available:
Degrees: 1) Anatomy, 2) Physiology, 3) Biochemistry, 4) Pathology, 5) Microbiology, 6) Pharmacology, 7) Forensic Medicine, 8) Community Medicine, 9) General Medicine, 10) Paediatrics, 11) Psychiatry, 12) Skin & VD, 13) General Surgery, 14) Orthopaedics, 15) Ophthalmology, 16) Otorhinolaryngology, 17) Obstetrics & Gynecology, 18) Anaesthesiology, 19) Radiodiagnosis, 20) Radiotherapy
Diplomas: D.P.M., D.C.H., D.Ortho., D.O.M.S., D.O.M.S., D.L.O., D.G.O., D.M.R.D., D.A., DDVL
All Degree and Diploma courses are recognized by MCI and PhD courses are recognized by Maharashtra University of Health Sciences, Nashik
The total number of seats available for admission will be determined in accordance with the Medical Council of India regulations

Eligibility Criteria and Requirements for Applying:

The candidate must be an Indian National
Must possess MBBS degree from a University/Institute recognized by MCI and must have completed Compulsory Rotatory Internship
Must have permanent registration with the State Medical Council/MCI
i) Must have done two years of rural service on or before 31st Dec 2013. However, those who have done minimum of one year rural service on or before 31st Dec 2013 are also eligible to apply for 2014 PG Courses but they must do the remaining period of rural service after completing the P.G. Course to make the total rural service of two years
ii) The rural service period would not include any period of leave without pay (See Annexure IA & B)
iii) During the rural service the candidate must have resided at the place of work
iv) First priority shall be given to the candidates who have completed rural Service for which appointment order has been issued by the Dean, MGIMS, Sevagram
a) At a Non-Govt Voluntary Organization (NGO) working for rural health care and recognized by MGIMS
b) Or at a PHC in Maharashtra for which the first order has been issued by the Dean, MGIMS and subsequent order by the Govt. authority
Note: The above candidates must produce certificate of completion of rural service given by the Chief authority of the respective NGO or District Health Officer (DHO) countersigned by Dean, MGIMS as the case may be. (See Annexure IA & B)

Second priority shall be given to the Candidates:

a) working/worked in a Primary Health Centre (PHC)/Govt Hospital in a rural area and catering to rural population. Posting should be by the respective State Govt. The authority to issue certificate of completion of rural service for these candidates will be the concerned District Health Officer (DHO)
b) Who have served in the Armed Force Medical Service in the field areas/border areas/ modified field areas/counter insurgency areas/operational areas for at least three years
The authority to issue certificate of completion of three years of service for the above will be the Deputy Director General, Armed Forces Service (Planning and Training) on behalf of DGAFMS

Non Eligibility:

The candidate will be declared non-eligible
If he/she does not fulfill any of the criteria as mentioned in 4 above
i) If he/she is working in the NGO/PHC recognized by the Institute but is not officially posted there by the Dean of MGIMS, Sevagram
ii) Candidates who have not obtained MMC/MCI registration
iii) Candidates who had been admitted to PG course and resigned/left/not joined which resulted in lapse of a seat
iv) Candidates who are previously registered and are pursuing/have completed the PG degree course or have obtained PG degree
v) Candidates who are registered for PG diploma and have not passed the


Constitutional: 50% seats are reserved for the candidates belonging to the following categories
i) Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Caste converts to Buddhism (SC) 13.0 percent
ii) Scheduled Tribes (ST) 7.0 percent
iii) Vimukta Jati (VJ/DT A) 3.0 percent
iv) Nomadic Tribes ‘b’ (NT1)(before Jan 90 & equi. castes) 2.5 percent
v) Nomadic Tribes ‘c’ (NT2) (Dhangar & equi. castes) 3.5 percent
vi) Nomadic Tribes ‘d’(NT3) (Vanjari & equi. castes) 2.0 percent
vii)  Other Backward Classes (OBC) including SBC* 19.0 percent
Total: 50.0 percent
Applicants belonging to Special Backward Category: Hon’ble High Court Mumbai had stayed admission to Special Backward Category as a separate quota and therefore, Vide Government Circular from Social Welfare
As detailed below seats remaining vacant from various categories under constitutional reservation will be filled in by inter-se merit of that particular group as per the Government regulations and if the seats still remain vacant they will be offered first to students of any of the reservation category and then to Open category students as per merit

Admission Procedure for Applying:

Before applying, the candidates are advised to go through the Prospectus available on the website www.mgims.ac.in and the instructions and rules given therein very carefully and fill in the application form completely. Incomplete applications will not be considered and no correspondence will be entertained
Applications for admission to the course are required to be filled in online on the website www.mgims.ac.in and submitted to the Dean’s office along with Rs.1000/- in cash or a demand draft of Rs.1000/- drawn in favour of Dean, MGIMS, Sevagram
The application, complete in all respects, accompanied with all the relevant documents and Fee of Rs.1000/- should reach the Office of Dean, Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Medical Sciences, Sevagram-442102, Wardha (Dist), Maharashtra on or before 26th Dec 2013
The applications received after the closing date will not be considered and no correspondence will be entertained
The allotment of the Post Graduate seat depends on the merit and the availability of seat in the subject at the time of the counseling
No request for the change of category under which applied for will be entertained after the submission of application to the Institute
Candidates in employment must forward their application through proper channel
Any candidate giving false information in any form or in respect to educational qualification, experience, rural service etc. will be disqualified for admission and legal action may be taken

Certificates Required:

The application form duly filled in should be accompanied with one set of attested photo copies of following documents Nationality Certificate (See Annexure III) issued by District Magistrate/Additional District Magistrate/Chief Metropolitan Magistrate or photo copy of Valid Passport duly attested by Dean or Domicile Certificate having endorsed with nationality as Indian on it or Birth certificate having endorsed with nationality as Indian on it
Marks Sheets of First Professional, Second Professional and Final Professional (Part I & Part II) MBBS; Passing/Degree Certificate of MBBS; Internship completion certificate; Certificate of Registration with State or Medical Council of India; College Leaving Certificate for those who have not done MBBS form MGIMS; Attempt certificate of First Professional, Second Professional and Final Professional (Part I & Part II) MBBS; Copy of Gazette for change in name (if applicable); Migration Certificate for the candidates of Universities other than Maharashtra University of Health Sciences, Nasik; Educational Gap (After qualifying Degree) Affidavit by student certified by Executive magistrate / Notary ( See Annexure IX) (if applicable)
Affidavit on Rs 50 stamp paper stating reason for submission of duplicate copy of any document (See Annexure VIII) (if applicable)

If Applicable:

Caste Certificate/Caste Validity Certificate and Non-Creamy layer certificate, Physical handicap certificate etc.
The application form along with PG Admission Rules will be available from 10th Dec 2013 on the website of Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Medical Sciences, Sevagram; www.mgims.ac.in
The application form should be filled and the print out should be submitted to the office of the Dean along with Rs. 1000/- in cash or a demand draft of Rs. 1000/- drawn in favour of the “Dean, Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Medical Sciences, Sevagram”
The application form complete in all respects along with one set of required documents must reach the Office of the Dean Latest by 26th Dec 2013
The prospectus having Rules & Regulations is available on the website www.mgims.ac.in
Candidates who have passed MBBS from MGIMS are required to be present in the Committee Room of MGIMS, Sevagram at their own cost on 07th Jan 2014 at 10.00 a.m. for verification of original documents and allotment of seat

Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Medical Sciences Sevagram

(NAAC A Grade Accredited)
Telegram Kasturba Hospital, Sevagram Tel-07152-284341, Email dean@mgims.ac.in
Website: www.mgims.ac.in

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