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Saturday, 14 December 2013

IIT Gandhi Nagar invites Applications for M.Sc in Cognitive Science 2014

Indian Institute of Technology Gandhinagar has announced Admissions to M.Sc Cognitive Science for 2014-15 session

M.Sc in Cognitive Science Admission 2014-15

Application is invited for admission to M.Sc in Cognitive Science for the academic year 2014-15
Cognitive science is the interdisciplinary study of cognition, brain and behavior, embracing philosophy, psychology, artificial intelligence, neuroscience, linguistics, and anthropology. In the last four decades, Cognitive Science has established itself as a truly interdisciplinary science, employing qualitatively different research tools such as, the experimental practices of psychology, argument analysis of philosophy, formal methods used to develop computational models, and a variety of paradigms from neuroscience (single-cell studies, lesions, neuro-imaging).
The objective of the Master’s program is to offer students from different backgrounds, breadth of knowledge and research techniques in a wide range of areas in Cognitive Science
This would be facilitated by a richer appreciation of cognitive functions (perception, attention, memory, learning, reasoning, creativity, decision making etc.), research methods and experimental techniques (behavioral, psychophysical, psychophysiological, neuroscientific and computational).

For more details about cognitive science program at IIT Gandhinagar please visit http://cogs.iitgn.ac.in/

Minimum Eligibility Criteria:

Students who have a Bachelor’s degree (e.g. B.A., B.Sc., B.Tech.) with a minimum of 55% (5.5 CGPA for students with letter grades/CGPA) aggregate marks for General/OBC category candidates and at least 50% (5.0 CGPA for students with letter grades/CGPA) aggregate marks for SC, ST and PD category candidates in the qualifying degree, are eligible to apply for admission to the Master’s program in Cognitive Science
The students who are awaiting final semester/year results and those who would be completing Bachelor’s degree in the academic year 2013-2014 are also eligible to apply.
The short-listing of the applications is based on the overall credentials (Marks in the qualifying exams academic achievements and aptitude for cognitive science
The eligibility criteria mentioned above is minimum and the committee may use higher cut-off levels for shortlisting.

Admission Procedure:

Admission is offered on the basis of entrance test and interview. The Institute will invite a limited number of candidates for a written test and interview based on the academic records and aptitude for cognitive science
The final selection will be based on all of above, viz., academic records, aptitude for cognitive science, written test and interview. The Institute may also exercise the option of offering admission to a few outstanding candidates based on academic records without calling them for written test and/or interview.
Test and interview will be held at IIT Gandhinagar
However, if there is any change in the venue, the shortlisted candidate will be intimated
Fees (in Indian Rupees) Per Semester
Semester fee: 14,100/-; Refundable security deposit: 5,000/-; One time admission fee: 3,500/-
Total: 22,600/-
Financial Support
Eligible candidates admitted to M.Sc Cognitive Science program will receive a monthly scholarship of Rs. 5000/-
The stipend support will be renewed per semester subject to a student’s continued satisfactory progress in the program
Travel Scholarships
Institute encourages M.Sc students to present their research work at national and international conferences, and provides travel scholarships of up to Rs. 60000/- to such students
Hostel Facility
All students admitted to M.Sc Cognitive Science is eligible for hostel accommodation on a sharing basis

Application Procedure

All applications must be submitted online. You need not send the hard copy of the application form
However, you need to furnish hardcopy of the application form with photograph and all the documentary evidence in original (testimonials, certificates, publications, work experience and research/professional experience) at the time of interview
Incomplete applications will be rejected. There is no application fee.

Important Dates:

Last date for submitting applications: 10th Jan 2014
Web announcement of short-listed candidates: 25th Jan 2014
Test and interview: 8th – 9th Mar 2014
Web announcement of selected candidates: 24th Mar 2014
Last date for payment of fees: 15th Apr 2014

Indian Institute of Technology Gandhinagar, Vishwakarma
Govt Engineering College Complex, Chandkheda, Visat-Gandhinagar Highway, Ahmedabad, Gujarat-382424

Tele +91 93284 74222, Email: iitgn.ac.in, Website: www.iitgn.ac.in or cogs.iitgn.ac.in

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